Wednesday, August 21, 2024

A "Plan B" Kind Of Day!

I've mentioned before that this day of our vacation, we were planning on spending in Boston. However, we were staying outside of Boston, in a different state (!), so I couldn't find public transportation from our city into Boston. We looked at parking in Boston and it was way more expensive than we had anticipated (especially with what we're used to paying for parking in our province). After thinking about it, we decided to scrap our day in Boston on about 48 hours notice. Now, I should mention, that with both New York and Boston, we hadn't bought any tickets to do anything specific, so it's not like we were cancelling things like that.

But then we had a whole day free with no specific plans. So I turned to Google and discovered we were staying about a 30 minute drive from the ocean in one of the hottest weeks of the whole year. And Rachel had been mentioning for months that she wanted to try horseback riding. Well, one of the three best stables in New Hampshire was a 15 minute drive from our hotel. So we scrapped Boston for horseback riding and the ocean and we had so much fun!


Sam had no interest in horseback riding so it was just Rachel, Dave, and me. Dave and Rachel had never been horseback riding before.


We weren't allowed to take pictures while we did the trail ride. Dave's horse was very stubborn and so he had to keep kicking it. Rachel's horse was very well behaved and so she had the best time! This was a really fun way to spend some time and help Rachel check something off her bucket list!

Then we picked up Sam and headed to the ocean!!!

We all enjoyed the water and then warming up on towels on the sand. The water was COLD!!! But it was perfect because it was so hot out.
Just a lot of pictures of us enjoying playing in the waves!
Someone kindly took a family picture for us!
We probably spent about two or three hours on the beach. It was such a relaxing, and fun, way to spend time together as a family.
We grabbed supper at a restaurant just off the beach. I had my first lobster roll and thoroughly enjoyed it.
The next day we checked out a disc golf course near us before we headed off to our next destination. Unfortunately, we discovered that the course was a little muddy, and we kept losing our discs, so we called it a game after about four holes (which took about 45 minutes to play because of the aforementioned "disc losing" issue!) 

I'm so glad we decided not to drive into Boston this day. While I would love to spend some time exploring the city, as I mentioned before, I'd like to do it as a public transportation trip, and so we'll have to plan a bit better next time. But as I said above, this was a really fun, much needed relaxing day, and we all had a great time!


  1. Yep, parking in Boston is crazy expensive! We usually find a parking lot outside the city near a "T" pick up stop (Boston's subway system) and just take the T in. It sounds like a great pivot though; the city would have been even hotter than the countryside. Our New England oceans never really seem to get warm but we don't let that stop us either.

  2. Well your Plan B looks and sounds just as exciting as Boston!

  3. Horse riding, how fun! I haven't done that since my kids were little

  4. Any plan that involves a beach is good with me!


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