Monday, May 13, 2024

Share Our Lives: 5 Favourite (And Least Favourite) Foods

Today with the Share Our Lives bloggers, we're talking about our 5 favourite (and least favourite) foods. The Share Our Lives bloggers are Sarah, Dara, Joanne, Adrienne, and Jen. (Click on each name to go their blogs.) Some of my favourite foods are very specific and others are just general categories. And these are in no particular order.

Favourite foods

1) pizza 

Dave said I should put this for three of my top 5 favourite foods. Hahahaha!!! But I do really love pizza. Except for one memorable week in March 2022, when I had pizza four times that week, I almost never get sick of pizza.

Two memorable pizzas from this past year: left: Mushroom and black pepper pizza in New York City, August 2023; right: mushroom, basil, and pickle pizza in Stratford, Ontario, January 2024
2) salad
Another food I almost never get sick of is salad. I love it in many forms -- green salads (especially with edible flowers!), chickpea salad, pasta salad, potato salad, Greek salad -- just bring on all the salads!

3) cheese, especially wine cheese

Cheese is the main reason I could never be vegan. I don't like strong cheeses like Blue cheese or Swiss cheese but I really love smoked cheese, wine cheese, and really good cheddar cheese.

4) French Onion Soup

For some reason, I have always really loved French Onion Soup. I do make it at home sometimes but it's never as good as they make it in restaurants. There's something about all the cheesy, oniony goodness that I just love!


5) Farmer Sausage and vereneky

This is pretty much my favourite meal ever. Unfortunately, I only get it when we visit my mom and dad but that might be a good thing because, with cream gravy and fried onions, it's very rich but oh so delicious!


My least favourite foods are much less exciting. Since I never eat them, I don't have pictures of them. Again, these are in no particular order:

1) cilantro

I don't like the taste.

2) eggplant

It's slimy.

3) melons -- honeydew and cantaloupe

Ugh -- they're just yuck.

4) anything spicy

I can't taste anything because my tongue and throat are burning. It's just painful.

5) pancakes, especially for dinner.

Once in a very long while, I will eat pancakes for breakfast. Maybe.

Thanks to the Share Our Lives bloggers for a fun link up. I can't wait to read what everyone else enjoys (and will also never eat)!


  1. I cracked up at pancakes especially for dinner- ha! Pizza is my #1 too :)

  2. So many things could have made my favorites list, pizza-olives-cheese-and salad should have been on there. This was a hard one to narrow down. There's not much I don't like. I don't think I've ever had vereneky but I love dumplings of all kinds so I'm sure I'd like those too.

  3. This is fun, Natasha! I am so with you on pizza. I adore it. In recent years, I've learned to enjoy salads, because I've learned they can actually be tasty when made well. I did not know you didn't like cilantro! I'm with you on the eggplant. I had never had it before this year. Tried it and didn't think it was worth the fuss. Ryan is with you on all melon. I am a bigger fan of watermelon than honeydew and cantaloupe, but I can eat them. And I will eat all your pancakes for you. :) - Bekah

  4. I love salad and cheese too. I would like to try pickles on pizza! I agree about eggplant!

  5. I never tire of pizza either! Salad, I can't say is a top. Often it's just so much chewing! French onion soup is another top one for me.

  6. I can get tired of pizza. I have to switch it up with the flavors of white and red sauces.

  7. Oh yum! I love french onion soup. Pizza is pretty darn good too; especially wood fired ones. I don't like cilantro or spicy foods either but I have yet to try a salad I do not like.

  8. Yummy! French onion soup, so delicious! I'd never heard of vereneky but they look yummy too.

  9. Pizza is on my favorites! I think it is interesting to see all the foods that are several lists, like the melons. Have a good evening!

  10. We could never share a meal - or I guess we could and you'd eat all the veggies and I'd eat all the meat, ha!

  11. I love how many people love pizza. It's one of my favourite foods too. I am not a fan of spicy food either.

  12. I love pizza as well! Like you, I can't do spicy! Thanks for linking up with us.

  13. Glad I ate while reading this!

  14. Very interesting to read the things you don't like.


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