Monday, May 20, 2024

Friday Favourite Moments #20/10 On The 10th: May 2024

I'll be honest with you. Last week was hard. I had the stomach flu last Saturday and missed Rachel's dance performance (except for the little bits I caught while watching rehearsals). Thanks to the flu, I felt a little "off" all week -- slightly nauseous and exhausted. And my issues felt small compared to the sudden death of a man at our church. We are connected with his family -- Rachel is friends with his granddaughter, we know several of his siblings well -- I've just been so sad for them.  So when it came time to write a "Friday Favourite Moments" post last week, I just didn't have a lot of good to share.

The one bright spot in last week is also going to serve as my "10 on the 10th" post for May. Technically, on May 10th, we were still in the middle of Rachel's dance but I shared pictures of that in this post here. However, on Mother's Day, I felt mostly better and we had a fun experience planned. So these ten pictures are from May 12th instead. Earlier in the week, I'd found a recommendation for a "pick your own tulips" farm and I was hooked. I immediately bought tickets for the four of us to go as a Mother's Day experience for me.

And then an hour before we left, Sam said, "I don't really want to go." I was disappointed but, rather than pushing the issue, we asked my mother-in-law to join us (very last minute) and she said, "Yes!" So come check out the tulip farm with us :)

They had lots of pretty tulips to choose from.
Every person got a black bucket and the price of admission included ten tulips.
Our four buckets of tulips lined up.
I had so much fun doing this!!!
Me and Rachel with so many tulips!!! My mother-in-law doesn't love pictures so while I have some of her, I am not sharing them on the blog. Also, Rachel picked our coordinating outfits so we'd look good for pictures! Hahahahaha!!!
How Sam feels about going to a tulip farm, and the reason he stayed home :)

This was a really fun experience and something I had never done before. If you ever have the chance, and love flowers like I do, I would highly recommend it.
And while last week was hard in various ways, this weekend (a three day one for us here in Canada - YAY!) has been amazing so come back later this week, when I share about that! Things seem to be looking up over here and I am so grateful.


  1. Sorry you were sick and especially sorry about the man passing at your church. :( I've been struggling hard the past few weeks with my anxiety, so I know some seasons are harder than others and it's hard to find the beauty, but I am SO glad you found those beautiful tulips! Teenage boys can be so difficult, can't they?!?! Ha! Love all the tulips and hope they brightened your home.

  2. So sorry to hear you were sick again and that you missed most of your daughter's dance recital. The tulip farm sounds fun; the only way I got my boys to go was we were meeting one of their best friends and mom there and then heading out somewhere fun afterwards.

  3. I sure hope you are feeling better Natasha- sorry- that stinks! Anyway, I was giddy seeing your tulip pictures- such a perfect activity for you and what a beautiful place!

  4. I'm sorry about you being sick and the loss at the church. I would love to go to a tulip farm.

  5. So sorry about your loss and illness. The tulips are so pretty!

  6. Yes, so sorry to hear about loss and illness. The tulip farm would definitely be on my list!! I know you hated that Sam didn't want to go. Looks like you made the best of it though. :-)


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