Thursday, May 30, 2024

Monthly Musings: Getting Ready For Summer

It's the last Thursday of the month and time to link up with with Holly at Pink Lady and Patty at Good, Better, Best for their "Monthly Musings." I love this link up so much and am so thankful that Holly and Patty continue to host it.

1) What are you looking forward to this summer?

Since I'm a middle school secretary I get six and a half weeks off. I'm looking forward to some fun travels but also lazy mornings at home, drinking coffee-hot chocolate with Dave, and making fun memories with our family. I hope we have afternoons of eating popsicles and reading and fun at the pool with friends. Those lazy days of summer are calling my name and I am ready for them!

And I'm really looking forward to my and Dave's trip just the two of us!!!!!!!!!!

Last time we took a trip just the two of us, Iceland, July 2018 

2) Favourite summer traditions.

I love, love, love our "strawberries and ice cream for breakfast on the first day of summer break" tradition! I started this with the kids in 2016 and we've done it every single year. On the left is our strawberries and ice cream breakfast in 2017, right before we flew to Kenya for our summer vacation. On the right is our strawberries and ice cream breakfast last year.

3) Favourite summer recipe. Please share!

I really love the kale salad recipe found here. Although I skip most of the salad ingredients (hahaha!!!) and just use peppers, green onions, shredded carrots, kale, and sometimes cucumber. I really love the dressing though. We get so much kale in our CSA that I almost always have this on hand in the summer. It's sooooo good!!!

4) Summer vacation plans?

Besides Dave and I getting away for a bit, we have a family vacation planned. It's a road trip and will include many of our favourite things! I can't wait and am really looking forward to having some time just the four of us, exploring new places, and making new memories together!


Previous road trip memories: left, March 2024: a stop at Panera Bread (one of our favourites!) and right: the ocean in Florida, March 2023

5) Cole slaw or potato salad? Recipe to share.

I make the potato salad recipe I got from my mom. It uses 1 1/2 hard boiled eggs and 1 boiled potato (sliced thinly) per person. Then you mix half sour cream and half mayonnaise (maybe 1/2 cup each for six eggs and four potatoes), with some (maybe 1tsp) yellow mustard and a little milk to thin it. Add a lot of pepper and chives. This is a delicious potato salad.

You can see the potato salad in the top left of my plate.

6) Favourite ice cream or frozen treat?

If I can't visit our favourite local ice cream shop, I love taking regular lemonade, throwing some berries in, and making popsicles.

7) Favourite summer beverage?

Whatever my dad is making! Hahahahahaha! He makes a great G&T but I also love all his experiments! We've ended up with some really great drinks that way!!!

8) Beach, lake, or mountains?

I really love all three. Why do I have to choose!?!?!?! Our summer this year will include some beach time but probably not mountains or lakes. Sadness :(

9) Best ways to beat the heat in summer?

Sit in the shade, eat a popsicle, go swimming, hang out in the basement, and be really thankful for air conditioning!

10) Favourite sunscreen?

I don't have one. I really need to get better at wearing sunscreen but it always feels so greasy when I apply it. I'll have to read through all your suggestions and find one I really love.

Okay, now I'm more than ready for summer -- bring on summer nights, popsicles, G&Ts in the backyard, and having fun with my family!!!


  1. Oh I can't wait to read all about your trip with Dave and your trip adventures! Sounds like a promising summer :) We put hard boiled eggs in our potato salad too!

  2. I feel the exact same way about sunscreen! I mostly try to avoid being in the direct sun so I don't have to apply any. Those lemonade/berry pops sound delicious.

  3. Fun questions this time!

  4. I enjoyed reading your post. I love summer drinks and I used to always make my own pops when my daughter was little. I will have to try and make the pops you make sometime. I hope you and your family have a wonderful summer.

  5. I think this is my first time visiting your blog. I live on a lake in SC so cannot avoid the sun. I love a good road trip and hope you enjoy yours! Have a nice weekend!

  6. You have got to wear sunscreen!! I hate it too, but it's a must. We just got some neutrogena spray at Costco, and it's really good, not greasy, so try that.

  7. Enjoy your six weeks off. You deserve it. Thanks for joining us!

  8. Can't wait to see where you and Dave go!!


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