Monday, September 19, 2022

10 On The 10th: September 2022

While we've had some very exciting "10 on the 10th" posts lately, this one documented a more regular day. But honestly, given how many Covid restrictions we lived under for over two years, I still really treasure even the "normal" days.

Weekdays where Dave and I get to enjoy coffee outside are a thing of the past, but we still sit out on weekends. "Coffee-hot chocolate outside with Dave while laundry hangs on the line" equals one of my favourite things right now.

Rachel spent some time sewing in the play room. She was making clothes for Funny Bunny! 

Rachel had her first dance of the season. She's already preparing for December shows. She's moved up to the last official colour in dance (burgundy). She'll wear a burgundy bodysuit for two years and then she can wear whatever colours she wants. 
Rachel and her friend drew a seasonal message on our sidewalk. I especially love the fall leaves. 

I walked through the cemetery on my way to buy chrysanthemums at our local greenhouse. This is one of my favourite times of year to walk through the cemetery because the trees are just glorious. 
I always love railway tracks. I just want to follow them...

I got a trunk full of mums!!!
Rachel baked a cake for us to take to the church potluck the next day and Sam wanted to contribute too. So he made chocolate chip cookies. It was amazing that Dave and I didn't have to do anything for this potluck! I love this stage of life!!!
I spent the evening as a youth sponsor at a Sr Youth event at church. It was lovely to sit around the fire and hear about how the youth spent their summers.
Dance, Sr youth, buying fall mums, and making food for potlucks -- this day was made up of all those things which were limited (or cancelled) by Covid and which I'm so happy to have back!!!


  1. I love Mum season!!!!!
    Is Rachel wanting to do ballet or just dance in general?
    Look at your little baking kiddos - thats how to raise them - HAHA!

  2. Sam looks so happy to be helping out.

  3. Yeah for back to dance! Those mums are going to be gorgeous when the bloom!


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