Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Dave's family visit

My parents and niece, Lily, came to visit over the Easter long weekend, and we had a very enjoyable visit. Some highlights were Sam and Lily getting lots of quality play time, an action-packed outing to the swimming pool at Millennium Place (complete with hot tub, lazy river, and wave pool) and, as always, re-visiting the farmer's market, library, and park circuit on Saturday morning. We capped off the visit with an excursion to Marble Slab Creamery, where tasty, tasty ice cream was had by all.

Here are a few photos to give a sense of the visit.

Lily reading Sam one of his books ("Snoozers" by Sandra Boynton)

Lily and Sam, all ready to head off to the market on Saturday.

My mom, gamely pulling her grandkids to the market.

Sam doing "tai-chi", as he mimicked some more experienced practitioners at the park.

Here I am, pretending to know how to grill bison burgers.

Everyone sitting down to enjoy the bison burgers and potato salad on the deck.

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