It's another edition of 25 questions. I first found this series through Sarah at Toronto SAM. You can read her answers to these questions here.
16. What is your favourite book/movie/song?
I can never choose a favourite book. I read almost 200 books a year which means I've read a lot of books. It's hard to pick a favourite. I particularly love historical fiction (especially the 1900s-1950s), books which make me think and want to know more, and a good romcom. The books I've read the most in recent years are JD Robb's "In Death" series but I don't think they're my favourite books!
Again with movies -- I don't really have a favourite. I'm not the biggest movie person. I love a good Star Wars movie (except for 1,2, and 3 (which were really the 4th, 5th, and 6th ones released in the series)) but I also love a Hallmark movie so take that for what it's worth. There are no movies I love to watch over and over again.
Favourite song -- again, I don't really have one. I love anything 80s but I also love anything with a good beat. There are many songs I sing along to or which move me and make me cry.
I think the main gist of my answers is "I'm just not that into pop culture." Sorry :)
17. If you could make one change in the world, what would it be?
At first I had written "end wars" but as I was thinking about this post over the past week, I realized that my answer would be "to have less divisiveness." I think if we could agree on more, then things like ending war, addressing climate change and its negative effects, redistributing food so that everyone had enough to eat, etc, would follow. If we could only learn to work with, and respect, people who disagree with us...
18. What do you love to do for or give to others?
Okay, so I had written down short points to these answers and my note for this one was "flowers and baking." I am writing this post as I kill some time on Saturday evening before I go to my friend's housewarming party. What am I bringing for her? A loaf of homemade bread and a bouquet of tulips! Hahaha!!! Clearly, I know myself pretty well!
19. What excites you?
What excites me is things which bring people together -- festivals in our town, fun events, baseball games. I am always on the lookout for fun things to do with my family, or with Dave, and I just get really giddy about going to them.
This past Saturday I saw that there was a winter festival (Winterloo) in our uptown so I dragged Dave, Rachel, and Rachel's friend to go check it out. It was a little underwhelming -- we probably would have enjoyed it more if we'd had younger kids -- but we got to watch some ice carving, eat some maple candy, and enjoy being outside, so it was still fun.
20. What do you wish you did more of?
I wish we got together with other people more. Between work and Rachel's dance schedule, I feel like we don't invite people over enough and that makes me sad. I LOVE connecting with other people. There's not much more I enjoy than a good party or a quiet evening hanging out with friends and having interesting conversations.
So there are my answers to these questions. You can go here to read questions 1-5, here to read questions 6-10, and here to read 11-15.
I loved reading this and learning even more about you. I am the say way with people. I haven't done alot of inviting recently and people make me happy- love conversations and get togethers!
ReplyDeleteThis was fun to read!
ReplyDeleteI love having people over for dinner, and it's so hard to find time in the winter. We are gone every Saturday and Sunday and weekdays are equally busy with sports and other lessons. I guess we can have dinner parties in the spring!
ReplyDeleteI am the same way with favorite books, movies, and music. And I just love your answer to #17! We had maple syrup candy in Quebec and even though I don't normally like maple syrup or maple sugar candies, I do remember enjoying the candy.
ReplyDeleteVery good question game,
ReplyDeleteso they get to know each other better!
Fun and interesting read!!
The maple candy looks so fun! I LOVVVVE ice sculpting. I mean - watching it. I certainly can't do it. What fun! - Bekah