Monday, January 20, 2025

Halfway Through January 2025 And What I'd Read

Once again, I am trying to track my reading for the year. Check back in six months to see if I'm still successful! Hahaha! One thing to note is that, while I'm always reading, I'm not always reading interesting or different books. When life gets stressful, I fall down the JD Robb/Nora Roberts rabbit hole and who wants to see months of "In Death" books again?!!?

All that is to say, while I'm starting off strong with my 2025 reading, there are absolutely no guarantees that it will continue. You've been warned... Also, for those of you who are new around here, I break my reading up into two monthly posts as I read a lot and I feel like one long post of 20-30 books is overwhelming. So this is what I'd read up until January 15th. (And I've finished three more books since then.)

Book Cover: Romantic Comedy link

 This was my first read of 2025. To be honest, I started it at about 11:00pm on December 31 but I'm counting it all as January 1. I was completely sucked into this book, especially the second part where it was all emails, and I couldn't put it down. I would have rated it 5 stars on Goodreads but I rarely rate romantic comedies 5 stars. Don't ask me why...

Book Cover: The Littlest Library link

This was a cute little book about a woman who builds up a community around her in a small town in England, plus it's about books, and there's romance. What's not to like? It was super fun to read.

Book Cover: The Hot Flash Club Strikes Again link

I was looking for random books, available now, to load onto my Kobo for the holidays. I read the first one in this series, The Hot Flash Club, and this was the follow up. It was fun but light.

Book Cover: Maybe Not link

This was a novella from a Colleen Hoover series and I wish I hasn't read it. This is the worst book I've read in awhile. The writing was bad. The story was bad. It was just bad.

Book Cover: The Briar Club link

Kate Quinn did it again! I've completely loved all of her books (except maybe The Huntress) and this was another really great book! I learned about something I hadn't before, I enjoyed the story lines, I just really loved this book!

This was just a fun, light book. I've read a lot of them in January :) Regency romance and characters I enjoyed make for a good January read.

This was another "available now" book I'd downloaded for the holidays, but then I didn't get to it. While I didn't love the plot a ton, this book did make me want to visit Nantucket for a few days. Maybe one of those days I'll get there.


 This was my book club book for January. I didn't love it, like other people in my book club did, but I think that's because I didn't understand it. I think this is a book everyone should read, instead of Huck Finn, but that doesn't mean I liked it. I just think it's an important book to read, if that makes sense. But don't pick this up if you're looking to be entertained, or for a light read.

So that's what I've read, thus far, in January. One of the books I've finished since Thursday night was another 5 star read so I think I'll have some more good recommendations in another few weeks.

Also, I'm always looking for new suggestions of books to read, so share something good you've read lately below.


  1. I need to read the Hot Flash Club- I have it here and Nancy Thayer actually signed it for me during a girls weekend in Nantucket- you are making me want to finally open it!

  2. You have had a few great weeks of reading! Thanks for sharing your book recs; I always love knowing what people are reading.

  3. Romantic Comedy is more of a literary rom com in my opinion!

  4. You are doing great powering through the books! I am HOPING to finish two in January, but both are deep, difficult (though really good) reads so I am not going to break any records. Several of yours look cute and welcoming!! Focus, Bekah! Focus!! :)

  5. Thanks for this knowledge!!
    I love reading about the books you read!

  6. I read James recently too and I really enjoyed it; I read Huck Finn in high school and remembered a lot of it so reading this other side/version was a lot of fun.

  7. I just finished reading one called "How to Read a Book" and it's probably in my favorite top ten books of all time. It was so, so delightful. I HIGHLY recommend! I also am reading "How to Winter" which is really good, especially to read during the winter haha!

  8. I read The Hotel Nantucket and liked it. You read a lot of books for January. I am hoping to read more this year and at least two books a month. Happy reading!


Thank you for being interested in my life as I blog it and for leaving a comment. Comments make me happier than reading a good book and drinking a cold Coke. Almost :)