Wednesday, January 24, 2024

25 Questions (Questions 1 - 5)

Last year Sarah at Toronto SAM answered 25 questions over the course of a few blog posts. Since January has been a slower blogging month, I thought I would get started on some of these. If you want to see Sarah's responses to these questions, you can go here.

1. What does your ideal day look like?

My ideal day includes not having to set an alarm, spending a bunch of time outside in nice weather (not too hot, not too cold), being able to hang laundry on the line, enjoying time with my family, and experiencing something fun -- maybe a baseball game, maybe a good walk exploring a new city -- and then curling up in bed with a good book. If someone else cooks all my meals (and cleans them up) and I don't have to do any house chores (except hanging out laundry), I am happy. If it can include a drink of some sort and flowers in some way, that's even better!

2. What did you want to be when you were younger?
I wanted to be a teacher. I was the kid who made my younger siblings play "school." And if my siblings were unwilling, as they often were, I made my dolls and stuffed animals my students. My plan to be a teacher changed when I went out of province to attend university. In Saskatchewan, my home province, a teacher's degree was a four year Bachelors of Education degree. In Ontario, where I attended university, a teacher's degree was (and still is) an additional year or two of teacher's college after university and competition to get in at the time was really stiff. Despite the fact that I'm not a teacher, I still ended up working in schools! (Currently, I'm a middle school secretary.)

3. Who are you most inspired by? Why?

I don't know that I'm inspired by anyone. Is that sad?

4. Who would you love to meet? What would you ask?

I would really love to meet some Toronto Blue Jays players -- not any specific ones -- just the team in general. I would ask why they haven't been able to win a playoff game for quite a few years! Hahaha!!!

5. What habit would you most like to break? What habit would you most like to start?

I would like to break the habit of drinking so much Coke. I would like to start flossing daily. I am not motivated to give up Coke, nor am I motivated to start flossing! Hahaha! I guess I don't want to break/begin these habits as much as I wish I did :)

Stay tuned for questions 6 - 10, coming next time I don't have much to blog about!


  1. Your ideal day sounds lovely. I might have to ponder that question for myself! :) And we both had the same vocational dream as a child. I am both glad and sad I didn't become a teacher. - Bekah

  2. I have no motivation to floss either. I have a dentist appointment today and they are sure to comment on that.

  3. Whoo, thanks for the shout out! Meeting the Blue Jays would be so fun!

  4. Your ideal day does sound lovely. I am surprised your not inspired by anyone...maybe you are and just don't realize it.

  5. Your ideal day sounds perfect and I struggle with flossing too- ha!

  6. It takes a crazy long time to be a teacher here too; it's actually why i got my master's with my teaching degree and not got my degree with my undergrad work because it takes an additional 2 years of work since teachers are required to have a double major as undergrads. Your ideal day sounds wonderful!


Thank you for being interested in my life as I blog it and for leaving a comment. Comments make me happier than reading a good book and drinking a cold Coke. Almost :)