Friday, January 12, 2024

Friday Favourite Moments #2

Here are my favourite moments from this past week:

1) Two walks with Janice

I think I mentioned earlier in the fall that Tim and Janice moved to the States for this past fall. While I'm happy for all that entailed for them, I missed them. So it's been so nice to have them back in town. After we got back from Saskatchewan, Janice and I got to walk together two days in a row! It was so great to begin to catch up after not seeing each other for so long.

2) Pickles on pizza and supper in a wine cellar

We went out for supper with Dave's mom on Friday night and when I made the reservation, they said, "Oh, we've put you in the cellar." and I said, "That's fine" thinking they meant the basement. But when we got to the restaurant, it turns out we were in the wine cellar, which was a private room full of wine. It was so lovely to have a quiet space to catch up and the atmosphere was great!

Then I saw that one of the toppings I could order on pizza was "pickles" so of course I had to try it -- on half my pizza. I'm telling you, they were delicious!!! They were baked with the pizza so they were warm but still crunchy and oh so good.

3) Lights On Stratford

We went to see Lights On Stratford. It was a fun evening of interacting with a couple of light displays. I especially enjoyed that we could park and take a shuttle to some of the further flung displays. This festival is a little like LUMEN but in the winter, and with fewer installations.


4) A visit with Dave's Dad

Dave's dad has been in the hospital for a few weeks with some serious, but not life threatening, health issues -- prayers for continued healing would be welcome. We finally got to see him on Sunday and it was great to be able to visit him.

5) My weekend "to do" list!

I got everything done on my weekend "to do" list and I wanted to celebrate that!!! I returned my library books on Monday night :)

6) The kids and chores

Rachel baked cupcakes earlier this week and Sam did most of the supper dishes three times this week and I am just so thankful that the kids can make meaningful contributions to our family life. And they do it (mostly) without complaining too! Hahaha!!!

So those were the memorable moments from this past week.


  1. My brother in law has a pizza place, I'm going to have to tell him to put pickles on pizza!

  2. Pickles on pizza...intriguing! I think if I liked the pickles (as not all are created equal) I could like it. The lights are GORGEOUS. And I'm so sorry Dave's Dad has been so sick! - Bekah

  3. Lights On Stratford looks so cool. The satisfaction of getting everything marked off on my to do list is so good! I even get excited seeing yours that way.

  4. What a fun week... but I've got say pickles on a pizza would be a hard pass for me (I'm not usually a fan of pickles at all).


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