Friday, January 05, 2024

Friday Favourite Moments #1

I know many of you link up with the Friday Favourites blog party and I never have. And I'm not going to start :) (Most of the time when I link up with a blog party, I really try to read, and comment on, every post in that party and I just can't add another one in.) But, I have been thinking about "experiences" versus "things" and I wanted to start finding joy in, and highlighting, every week's experiences, whether they be big or small. So that's what I'm going to start doing on Fridays. So here are this week's Favourite Moments.

1) Seeing Northern Lights in Saskatchewan with Rachel and Dave.


I grew up seeing the Northern Lights multiple times a year in Saskatchewan. There are a few standout shows in my lifetime of watching them dance across the sky in brilliant colours for up to half an hour, but I saw small displays regularly. It wasn't until I'd lived in Ontario for a few years that I realized how rare this was for many people. Dave, for one, had never seen them. So I made it my mission to help him see Northern Lights. And, thanks to a group on Facebook (Saskatchewan Aurora Hunters), he finally saw them last year. And this year, there was a great chance to see them on New Year's Day night so Rachel came out with us to look. And there they were. It wasn't a memorable show, but it was more than Dave and I saw last year and more than Rachel had ever seen.

2) Mimosas and New Years Day brunch in Saskatchewan

I love that we got to have mimosas on New Years Day with my parents and the brunch was delicious. Dave made latkes (yum!) and my mom made Greek salad (double yum!!).
3) It took only six hours and five minutes to get from my parents' door to home!
The Saskatoon airport is small so we only got there an hour ahead of time. Our flight took off early and landed even earlier. Our luggage was some of the first off the plane (and it all arrived!) and the taxi was waiting for us as we got to the pick up spot. The trip home was so smooth and I am so grateful!
4) January tulips!!! 
5) I got highlights yesterday!
I decided this past fall that I wanted to start getting my hair highlighted every year instead of every other year, so I got them yesterday and I love them.
So those are my favourite moments from this past week. Thanks for reading mine and feel free to share one of your favourite moments from this past week below.


  1. Yeah!! Natasha's Tulips are back- woohoo!! (one of the things that gets me through Winter) and love the hair- you look great!

  2. I have never seen the northern lights and would love to. Beautiful! And you got your tulips! And highlights! I love them. :) Also...I'm SO behind for a hair overhaul. It's been almost five months since I saw a professional. It's been five days since I saw my scissors. Shhhh.

  3. PS - that last comment was me! - Bekah

  4. I love a perfect travel trip with no delays! Your hair looks nice!

  5. I love the idea of favorite moments! Having lived my whole life in Colorado, I never expected to see the Northern lights, so you can imagine how amazed I was when they became visible ONCE, during a very rare weather event about twenty years ago. I still remember that night, vividly. Oh, and I love your hair!

  6. Love your hair!! How amazing to see the northern lights!


Thank you for being interested in my life as I blog it and for leaving a comment. Comments make me happier than reading a good book and drinking a cold Coke. Almost :)