Friday, March 01, 2024

Friday Favourite Moments #9

I really like how this weekly post encourages me to look for the small (or big!) good things in every week. Thank you for continuing to read them each week!

1) Baseball is back!!!

 I'm giddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Honestly, I seriously considered leaving this as my only favourite for the week because I'm soooooo excited! Hahaha!!!

2) Rachel's donut making

A few years ago, for either Channukah or Christmas, we gave Rachel a stuffed donut making kit. I think it was a little too advanced for her at the time and she basically didn't touch it. However, over the past month she has been sewing away and actually completed one of them. Now she's working on a narwahl! Honestly, while it drives me up a tree that she leaves her sewing needles on the playroom floor (!!!), I love that she's getting into this and is very independent with it.

3) Our sink got fixed!

Our kitchen sink clogged really badly earlier this week. We called a plumber but they couldn't come for two days. So we reached out to another company. Thankfully, they were able to come the next day and fixed the problem. It was an issue with a pipe in the basement so definitely not something we could fix on our own. After one evening of carting dishes down to the laundry sink to wash, I am very thankful that we, once again, have a working sink!!!

4) Sharing Thai with Sam

The other night both Rachel and Dave were gone for the evening. Sam and I ordered in Thai food and really enjoyed eating it together. I got some great pictures of Sam (mostly of him making faces at me) but he didn't agree to have any of them posted on the blog. So you get this one with his hand and part of his arm. Teenagers.

5) Rachel's youth mentor

In grade 7, in our church, youth are matched with an adult in the congregation to be their youth mentor. I have been a youth mentor for a few youth, two of whom I'm still in touch with, and Sam has had a great mentor for two and a half years now. The program is getting started a little slowly this year so Rachel just had her first meeting with her mentor earlier this week. I'm really excited that Rachel is beginning this mentoring journey and I'm so thankful there are adults in our church who are willing to invest in our kids.

And those are my Friday Favourite Moments for this week. It's all about baseball and my kids apparently!


  1. These are all wonderful favorites! I love Rachel's donut; it is really cute.

  2. That is really neat about the youth mentor program at your church. I hope you have a great weekend!

  3. Rachel's doughnut is so cute and the Thai food looks delicious! That's so great that you got your clogged sink fixed. A couple of years ago our shower got clogged due to a broken pipe and you don't want to know what I saw coming up through the plug-hole!!

  4. YEAH for BASEBALL and YEAH for SPRING- bring it on! Excited to follow along with you and your Jays :)

  5. Ahh- excited for Rachel getting to meet her mentor - hope its a good fit!
    Baseball season - I'm not here for the sport but that's the signof SPRING - which I can get behind!!!!


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