Monday, April 15, 2019

Day In The Life: April 9, 2019

After reading Allena's Day In The Life post, I decided it was time for me to write another one. I was planning on doing this a few weeks ago but then I realized my day was going to be fairly similar to the last time I did this in March 2018 (you can read that post here) so I decided to pick a different day of the week.

5:25am and 5:30am -- My alarm went off. I hit snooze until about 6am then browsed things on the iPad -- I usually check Instagram, blogs, and e-mail. I worked seven and a half hours the previous day (my job is supposed to be about ten hours a week!) so I took it a bit easy this morning :)
6:20am -- I went downstairs and made some coffee. As is somewhat normal, I discovered that Sam had woken up before me and was reading. (He usually wakes up shortly after 6). I put the dishes away, with Sam's help. Normally I wouldn't put the dishes away but I couldn't boil water until I'd unearthed the stove!
6:35am -- It was time to tackle laundry. I took down the clean load, I got a fresh load in the washer and I hung the wet load up. We haven't had that many nice outdoor laundry drying days yet so I'm still using my indoor clothesline.
7:05am -- I finally got to drink the first cup of coffee-hot chocolate of the day (which I alternated with water) and I tackled some Bible reading.
7:30am -- I went upstairs, folded and put away a load of laundry and had a shower.

8:10am -- I made a grocery list. To do this, I check what's on our menu plan, I check what I can buy at the grocery store to earn points, and I go through the flyer app to see if there's anything to price match. It's a bit of an involved process.
8:35am -- In an attempt to get more outside time, I walked the kids to school. They walk on their own the majority of the time but every once in awhile, I like to join them.
8:55am -- I got home, ate a breakfast pita, and warmed up my cup of coffee-hot chocolate.

9:15am - 11:30am -- I hosted a meeting with a co-worker. I work in a virtual office so this was a rare occurrence
11:30am -- I ate a quick lunch of cold pizza which I LOVE and caught up on a few other work things. Sorry for the blurry picture :(
12:00pm -- I volunteer for our mid-week church program, which is called SoulFood. I was working on an involved cards project, which the Grades 1 - 3 kids did in their Worship Skills time.
12:15pm -- I walked to the library. I've proclaimed my love for this specific walking path in our city before and I will do it again :) Also, I loved this sign!!!
1:05pm -- I got home from the library and fell down the "When did I get Gmail rabbit hole?" thanks to the Google image wishing Gmail a Happy 15th Birthday! I was a very early Google user because a good friend was doing a co-op term at Google when Gmail was rolled out to the public. He sent me an exclusive invitation! At the time those invitations were selling for about $250 on Ebay.

From April 29, 2004, here is the first e-mail I sent from my Gmail account:

So I know that I am an official geeky-type person because this new account makes me really happy :) But don't worry -- it's not going to be my official e-mail address because I can't access it at work. I can only access it at friends' houses. So only send me e-mail here that isn't all that important.
Happy, happy, and sweaty in Waterloo,


ps. the sweaty part is because I just survived my first Ultimate practise. Now it's time for supper and CSI and half a day of work tomorrow!

1:30pm -- I ate a bit more lunch (fake "chicken" salad on rice crackers) and continued sorting pictures for the SoulFood project.
2:15pm -- I spent this time working and drinking tea and had a conversation with one of our pastors about the card project. I spend A LOT of time at my desk most days.
3:10pm -- I almost always pick the kids up from school, walking along the same path. We came home, and got ready to head out for the evening.
4:10pm -- Here we are at dance where Rachel dances for an hour and a half, Sam dances for forty-five minutes and I get stuff done for an hour and a half! This day I worked and figured out more SoulFood card stuff. Then another mom and I talked with the dance studio admin person about dance options for the fall. Yes, we're already looking ahead to fall.
6:05pm -- In an unusual move, we ate supper out at Harvey's. Dave was out for the evening and, on Tuesdays, he usually comes home early from work and cooks a quick supper. However, this day I didn't have time to get home and make supper before piano. Rachel also studied for her science test the next day.
6:35pm -- We went to piano and arrived about twenty minutes early. Sam read and Rachel studied some more. I got some more Bible reading done and dealt with some personal e-mails. While Sam and Rachel spent 45 minutes in their piano lesson, I continued to do the same things. Exciting.
8:00pm -- It was finally time to head home. Yay!

8:15pm -- We got home, and I encouraged the kids to put on pjs and read quietly in bed while I did dishes. I also spent some time helping them understand their new bank statements! They each opened up a savings account a few weeks ago and were excited to see they'd already earned one cent of interest :)
left: dirty dishes on one side, right: clean dishes on the other side
8:45pm -- The dishes were done and I tucked the kids into bed for the night. Rachel fell asleep around 9:05 and I played games on the iPad in her room to make sure she was actually asleep.
9:20pm -- I checked on Sam, who was asleep and watched all the Instastories I'd missed during the day. I also read a bit.
10:10pm -- Dave came home and I checked in with him on his evening. I was exhausted so I fell asleep around 10:30 which is earlier than normal.

And that was an exciting day in my life in 2019. If I remember, I might try and do another one this summer because summer days are the best :)


  1. I hope the kids don't spend all of their massive interest earnings at once!!! Hahahaha. This sounds like a great day! How far is it to walk to the kids' school?

  2. Wow, that was a lot to do in one day.
    I guess those are rail road tracks next to the walking trail...if so, that makes me so happy. :)

  3. I love posts like this - so fun to get a glimpse of the day-to-day! I want our kids to take piano lessons, but we don't have a piano, ha. I want my parents so bad but my mom isn't parting with it. I just want them to learn to read music and there's a possibility of violin lessons at school next year...


Thank you for being interested in my life as I blog it and for leaving a comment. Comments make me happier than reading a good book and drinking a cold Coke. Almost :)