Thursday, March 13, 2025

10 On The 10th: March 2025

I realize my "10 on the 10th" posts have been all over the place this year, as well as rarely documenting the 10th of the month. What can I say? 2025 has been the year where all my best laid plans go awry. These pictures are all from March 11th where we enjoyed an amazing display at the Royal Botanical Gardens in Burlington, and it was an "Alice in Bloomland" exhibit. We also enjoyed a Mad Hatter's High Tea. Because it was the 11th, I decided to include an extra picture too!

The Mad Hatter's Tea Party had so many cute details! 

I love how the exhibit engaged Sam, who usually isn't as outwardly enthusiastic about these things.
I told Sam to expect to see teacups hanging from one of our trees this spring! This was so whimsical and fun!!!
I've never been particularly excited about orchids but this day turned me into an appreciator of them. There were 25,000 orchids featured throughout the exhibit.We even FaceTimed my mom, who loves orchids, so she could get a sense of them. They were exquisite!
We followed up our floral tour with a Mad Hatter's Tea Time of our own. It was completely sold out and I'm so glad they found us a reservation a few weeks ago.

This was such a fun day of exploring a floral fantasy wonderland and eating delicious food with my family. I was looking forward to this day for a few weeks and it definitely exceeded my expectations!


  1. OH that sounds like such a lovely day! I love the teacups hanging from the trees.

  2. What a very cool destination! Looks and sounds so fun- thanks for sharing :)

  3. I love visiting botanical gardens in different cities. This one does look pretty magical!


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