Monday, July 08, 2024

Currently: July 2024

Even though it's not the first Wednesday of the month, I am going to link up with Jennifer at Overflowing With Thankfulness for her "Currently" post a few days late. You can find Jennifer here. Just as the school year was ending, I got hit with a cold. Yep, two weeks after I had just gotten over Covid. Blah. So my summer has started off with more coughing, sinus pain, and Kleenexes than I was anticipating. And less blogging. I have just been starting to feel better the past couple of days -- just in time to celebrate Rachel's birthday (a little belatedly) as you will see below. So without further adieu, here is my July "currently" post.


random picture of us enjoying kicking off summer break


 I am "loving" being on summer break. I have gotten together with friends, I have read more, I have gotten a few things done at home, I've spent more time just relaxing -- except for my cold, it's been really great! I really do love not having to wake up to an alarm at 5:30am every day.

I had to do errands with the kids the other day and they took about 100 selfies on my phone. Here are just two of them. Hahaha! Teenagers. 

[looking forward to]

 Well, we leave on our family vacation tonight (!!!) so I am really "looking forward to" that. This past weekend we nailed down a few more plans and I'm really excited to just get going and have fun! You can follow me on Instagram but I'm hoping to be blogging while we're away too. A few nights we're staying with friends or family, but a few nights we'll be in a hotel so I'll hopefully have some time to fill you in on what's happening :)


 As they bloom, I am "savouring" the lilies I planted. Every time a new colour opens up, I text a picture to my parents. This is so exciting and I'm glad that all the ones which were going to bloom did so before we left on our trip. I am so excited about these lilies!!!


 We had a great time "celebrating" Rachel's 13th birthday with a sleepover party. All her friends were able to come and it was so fun to see Rachel with them. This is a new friend group for her this year so Dave and I don't really know them but they seem like a good (if noisy!) group of kids! They played games, did face masks and nails, watched a movie, ate a ton of food, and had a great time.

And because I want to remember how completely amazing her cupcakes were, here's a picture of just them:


We ordered them from a local bakery and they did an awesome job! Rachel and I were both thrilled!


I hope I'm "remembering" to pack everything we need for our trip! I have lists on top of lists on top of lists right now.

So that's what's up with us "currently." Mentally, I am half thinking about the things I want to accomplish at home this summer, but the other half of me is getting ready to head out for a bit. Clearly there needs to be two of me to do all the things! Hahaha!!!


  1. I hope you have a fabulous time on your trip!! That looks like a very fun 13th birthday party.

  2. Looking forward to hearing about your trip.

  3. Have a WONDERFUL vaca- you deserve it! The TS birthday cupcakes came out awesome-the party sounds like so much fun!

  4. Oh I hope you're having a lovely vacation. Much needed break from real life, I'm sure!

  5. I'm sorry you were sick TWICE in a row but glad you have been able to enjoy summer break, celebrate Rachel, AND go on your trip! Can't wait to see all about it!!


Thank you for being interested in my life as I blog it and for leaving a comment. Comments make me happier than reading a good book and drinking a cold Coke. Almost :)