Wednesday, October 25, 2023

What's Up Wednesday: October 2023

Phew, October has been a month around here. Rachel has been going full tilt with dance classes and extra rehearsals, my parents came to visit for almost two weeks, and then there was the whole situation in Israel and Gaza which affected our family too. Let's just say, I'm looking forward to November.

As always on the last Wednesday of the month, I'm linking up with Shay at Mix and Match Mama and Sheaffer at Sheaffer Told Me Too for their What's Up Wednesday post.

image from here
What we're eating this week... When I think of October 2023, I will always think of applesauce! My principal has two apple trees and they produced a gazillion apples this year. I have brought home bags of them and made applesauce. I've frozen a bunch of it and I've been eating it every day in my lunch. It is so good and I can't get enough! Plus, I will have enough to make lots of Applesauce Jumbles, and you all know how much I love those! Hahaha!
What I'm reminiscing about... Last year in October, Sam became a Bar Mitzvah. I've been reminiscing all month about how joyful his celebration was.

What I'm loving... I was loving all the time we got to spend with my parents. My mom and I took lots of walks and my dad did house repairs! Ha! I even tried to help him, although I'm not sure how helpful I was...!
Our screen door fell off on the weekend and my dad (with a little assistance from Dave and I), replaced it!
What we've been up to... We've been visiting with my parents...


Pizza night (left) and belated Thanksgiving celebration (right)

...getting Rachel to dance, getting Sam to his activities (soccer, badminton, mid-week church program, etc)...

Sam playing goalie (left) and kicking the ball around with his friends who came to watch (right)

...trying to stay dry in all our rain this month, and making lots of applesauce. Hahaha!

We've also been enjoying some of the fall colour but I don't think they're as brilliant this year as they've been in past years. 

What I'm dreading... Last month I was dreading Rachel having to take public transit to dance on her own one evening and it worked out absolutely fine! This month I'm dreading having to drive through Toronto on a Friday around rush hour. Blah. I hate traffic :( I'm really hoping this will be as easy as Rachel taking transit to dance was but I'm not hopeful.
What I'm working on... I don't really know what I've been working on this month. Next month I need to start working on our yearly calendars.
Actually, we worked really hard on going through the basement and we took two carloads of things to the thrift store, threw some stuff away, and gave some things to a few friends. I'm so happy the basement is so much better organized and cleaned out. It was a big project and it feels so good to have that off my mind!

What I'm excited about... My dad got here, looked at my falling apart window boxes, and offered to build me new ones!!! I'm so thrilled about them and can't wait to use them!!! I was noticing our old ones starting to fall apart this past spring and I was dreading having to figure out how to replace them.
What I'm watching/reading... I've been watching Rachel at dance and Sam at soccer. Sadly, I haven't really been watching the leaves change to their brilliant fall colours because they just aren't as amazing this year as they have been some years.
As for reading, my current lunch time book is The Lost and Found Girl by Maisey Yates. I'm also reading through the 1990s for the Decades Reading Challenge and I enjoyed Always by Sarah Jio.
What I'm listening to... A lot of Taylor Swift. Rachel, my mom, and I went to The Eras Tour movie and well, it's a lot of Taylor Swift! We had way better views than we would have at the concert!
What I'm wearing... Well, I'm still not wearing socks! Hahaha! I bought a new pair of brown work pants which I'm excited to wear. Other than that it's jeans and t-shirts some days and work clothes with sweaters and long sleeve shirts on other days.
What I'm doing this weekend... Rachel has a dance weekend away and we are all going to join her. I'm looking forward to discovering a part of Ontario I've rarely been to and seeing more of Rachel's dancing. This is the first time we've ever had to travel for Rachel's dance and I'm kind of excited about it -- although dreading Toronto rush hour traffic :)
What I'm looking forward to next month... Remember how for years and years I dreaded November?!?! I never looked forward to it. Well, I've solved my "November dread" problem -- make October insanely busy! Now, I'm looking forward to cozy Hallmark movie watching, slower weekends, and some time to breathe before the craziness of December hits. For next year, I'd like to figure out how to enjoy November without having to live through October's insanity though :)

What I bought on Amazon... We became Prime members this month solely so we could stream Stack TV and watch Hallmark movies! Does that count?!?!?!

So that's what's been up with us in October. It's been a full month with a lot going on and I'm looking forward to some quieter times in November. We shall see if that actually happens though!

Happy Wednesday everyone!!!


  1. What a busy month! You rocked it though- your cozy November with Hallmark sounds great to me! Can't wait to read about Rachel's dance weekend- have a great time!

  2. That is nice that your parents visited!

  3. Good luck driving through Toronto on a Friday! The time we were there we drove in downtown, but it wasn't during super busy hours. Thank goodness.

  4. SO glad you had some good in the midst of the sadness.

  5. Hoping the rush hour traffic won't be too bad! It sounds like you had a wonderful visit with your parents and that your dad is quite handy to have around. Your new window boxes look great.

  6. October sounds like it was a great month. How wonderful to have your parents visit and also do some handy work. The applesauce sure does sound delicious. Glad to hear Rachel had no problem catching public transport and fingers crossed that the traffic is ok for you as you drive during rush hour. Enjoy those Hallmark movies and a relaxing November!

  7. Sounds like a good but busy month! I am looking forward to lots of Hallmark movies as well. Hope you have the best November!
    - Morgan


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