Sunday, June 10, 2012

Church All Day!

Today before church we all got ready in record time and were able to take some pictures.

Sam wasn't wanting to be very cooperative but Rachel was okay being in pictures!

After church there were only a few people hanging around so we enjoyed visiting with people for a bit. Then we picked up hot-n-ready pizza at Little Caesar's to eat for lunch since we wanted to go to our church's regional open house this afternoon.

We had a good time at the open house and Sam enjoyed playing bocce and with the croquet mallets and balls. And all the other kids of course.

Tonight I'm going to "EvenWord" (a play on Even Song) which is a new bible study being started at church. We'll see how it goes but I am really looking forward to it. So it's been a very church-y day today but it's all been good!

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