I'm answering the last of 25 questions I saw on Sarah's blog. Sarah blogs at Toronto SAM and you can see her answers here. If you want to see my answers to previous questions, you can go here to read questions 1-5, here to read questions 6-10, here to read 11-15, and here to read 16-20.
21. Pretend money is no object, what would you do?
I would travel wherever I want and take my friends and family with me. I would go to way more Blue Jays games, including away games so I could visit other ball parks. I would renovate our house. I would also fly to Saskatchewan at least once a month to visit my parents and I would donate a lot more to the important causes in my life.
22. What area in your life, right now, makes you feel the best? Why?
Our house is fairly clean right now so I'm pretty happy about that! Also we're not stressed about money right now, so I'm thankful for that as I know not everyone is in that situation. I'm also fairly happy with my job situation, and it feels very stable, so I'm also thankful for that. I see myself in this position for a number of years as I don't think I'll get bored! Hahaha!
23. Let's jump forward a year, what would you like to have achieved in the next year?
I would love to have taken some major steps forward on getting our house renovated. We've been dreaming about doing "something" for about four years now and I just feel really stuck as to what the next steps are. If we could be doing something about it, rather than just talking about it, that would make me really happy! It just feels really big and overwhelming.
24. What piece of advice would you give to five year old you?
Life may not work out like you are hoping it will but it will still be pretty darn awesome! (I think five year old me wanted six to ten kids! Hahahaha!) I would also encourage her to start building a flossing habit :)
25. How do you want to be remembered in life?
I want to be remembered as someone who loved well, was kind to others, and stood up for what was right.
Thanks for reading my answers to these questions. Let me know your thoughts on any of these -- either responses to my answers or tell me your own answers.