Monday, February 24, 2025

One Of The Best Weekends I've Had In Awhile

Okay, blogging friends, you have been sticking with me through some rough weeks so I thought I'd share a few reasons why this weekend was actually pretty great! After all, when life starts looking ... a little brighter ... I want to recognize, and remember, it. So here are some of my favourite moments from this past weekend:

Watching Sam on the soccer field on Friday night. We weren't standing in a great position to take pictures during the game so you don't get any of him in action. 
Saturday morning coffee-hot chocolate drinking and reading. It was such a cozy morning. 
We realized we should probably shovel some of the insane amounts of snow off the flat roof of our playroom. There was so much snow we couldn't open the door. I had to partially cut the screen, dive out the opening, and then shovel my way to the edge of the roof. After a couple of hours, there was a huge pile of snow in our backyard and very little snow left on our roof. To be fair, Dave did help for about fifteen minutes when he got home from groceries but the bulk of the shovelling was done by me. I am no longer worried about our roof collapsing and being out in the sun and fresh air was good for me!

Rachel's dance company was in a performance with a local youth choir featuring Broadway songs. Unlike most of her performances we could actually take photos during this one. On the left, is Rachel as a zebra in The Lion King medley and on the right, is Rachel performing in This Is Me from The Greatest Showman. And while I don't have pictures of them, Tim, Janice, and Janice's mom came to the performance too.
Sunday morning reading while ignoring the huge pile of laundry! Hahaha!!!
My friend Alissa has moved back to our area and is attending our church again. I was happy to sit with her on Sunday at church. Right is the two of us, about twenty years ago, in our "pretty, pink, preaching dresses" as we called them. And yes, we both preached sermons while wearing those dresses that summer :)
I folded all the laundry while watching the second Blue Jays spring training game of the year! Whooo hooo!!!
In the afternoon we went to our friend Karen's Half Life Party! Karen moved to Canada exactly half her lifetime ago and thought February needed something to celebrate (it really does!) so she had a party. She asked people to bring photos of us and her. This is me and Karen in the summer of 2003, 2004, or 2005 when we did a Super Sprint Duathlon -- biking and running. I think it was a 3km run and a 10km bike or something like that. I was too busy talking with other people at the party to take any pictures.
Any weekend which ends with being caught up on laundry is one to celebrate!!!
And that was my weekend! I realized as I was writing this that this is the first weekend in about four weekends where I didn't cry once so that also made it really great :) Thanks for reading today and here's hoping the goodness from this weekend continues into this week...


  1. This makes my heart smile to read! I am so glad you had a weekend of rest and goodness and joy. So needed for the soul. Hugs! - Bekah

  2. So glad you had a great weekend! Hope your week is just as good.

  3. There's nothing wrong with crying! But I know what you mean, glad you enjoyed so many things, including the Blue Jays :)

  4. So glad to hear you've had a better weekend! It sounds like a lot of rest, and fresh air, and friends.

  5. Yeah! So glad you had a great weekend- it looks so full of JOY- Sam's soccer-Rachel's dance-friend time- what could be better? :)

  6. So glad you had a good weekend!!


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