Friday, October 18, 2024

Share Our Lives: Sweet Tooth Cravings

I think I start every blog post this way these days but, phew, has it been a week! And yes, we just had our Thanksgiving long weekend here in Canada but I am so ready for this weekend. We have very few plans and I can't wait! This week has been extra busy because it's parent viewing at dance, and we've been supporting a friend who had surgery last week, so I've been going from thing to thing to thing all week. Which is why I'm only posting about my "sweet tooth cravings" with the "Share Our Lives" bloggers today. (I'm forcing myself to stay awake for an extra half hour on Thursday night to get this post done! I'm so tired.) Also, the "Share Our Lives" bloggers are Sarah, Dara, Joanne, Adrienne, and Jen. (Click on each name to go their blogs.)

As we were driving home from a quick road trip on Sunday, I was telling Dave how much I was struggling with this prompt. I couldn't think of what sweet things I crave. Dave commented, "You're just not a sweets eater" and it's true. However, I do drink a lot of sweet drinks throughout the day -- I start with my coffee-hot chocolate and I regularly have an afternoon Coke (regular Coke, none of the diet, Coke Zero for me). So I get a lot of sugar throughout the day (and we can discuss how unhealthy that is in a different blog post - hahaha!).

I really love my Coke mixed with lime juice to get it a little more tart and I always get my Starbucks drinks "half sweet" (or "two pumps" in the US). 

But when I do want something sweet, here is what I reach for:

1) Cookies -- specifically chocolate chip (preferably homemade) or Holly's Applesauce Jumbles (recipe here) around the holidays. I also like a good, regular Oreo (not the double stuffed ones though).

Rachel made green chocolate chip cookies for St Patrick's Day this year!

2) Ice cream -- I love going to our local ice cream shop (especially in the summer) or having milkshakes when we're visiting my parents.


3) Raspberry tartlets -- I love a good tart with raspberries!

4) Sweet pickles -- I really love sweet pickles. We buy a mix that also has cauliflower and baby onions and they're so good!!!

See, with my last "sweet craving" I'm veering off into salty ones too, and that's really my downfall -- chips, pickles, Cheetos -- I will reach for those over sweet pretty much anytime. As long as I don't have to drink them :)

I'm looking forward to reading all of your posts, hopefully this weekend. Maybe as I read them I'll realize I like sweets more than I claim too! What's your preference -- sweet or salty???


  1. I tend to like a mix of sweet and salty though the older I get the more I seem to reach for sweet over salty (but as a teen salty was way better than sweets).

  2. YESSSS!! Another appearance by the Applesauce Jumbles :)

  3. I can't get over the full sugar Coke, almost everyday!! Haha, no judgment ;) There are certainly lots of sweet things I like, but I will usually opt for a savoury treat instead (chips, cheese and crackers, dips, etc.)

  4. Okay first of all - that TART!!!! That looks so good. I love all sweets in all forms, and it is a constant battle for me to not overindulge! I love hot chocolate and lattes and Coke (no zero, no diet) and cookies and cake and ice cream and pie get the idea. I have stopped drinking Coke because I can't stop drinking Coke otherwise. I have a rare sip of Ryan's but haven't had my own in over a year. But if it's not real, it's not worth it to me. I have cut back to like 2 lattes a month and do them sugar free with almond milk. And I can't bake unless I'm giving it away, because I will devour it all myself. :)

  5. Sorry - that last comment was me! Bekah

  6. I enjoy a mix of sweet and salty. For pickles I don't prefer sweet at all!


Thank you for being interested in my life as I blog it and for leaving a comment. Comments make me happier than reading a good book and drinking a cold Coke. Almost :)