Tuesday, December 12, 2023

I Spy 2023: Week 46

It's my second last "I Spy" post of the year. I can't believe that I managed to post something for every week, even if I wasn't always the most timely!

Let's Play iSpy 2022


The fact that my dad made me window boxes is so "special" and I think they look even better with something in them. These will stay decorated like this until the end of March, beginning of April, when I will replace the greenery with pansies. I am sooooo excited to use this "special" gift!



I was struggling what to do with this prompt until I was cutting watermelon radish this past Saturday. You definitely need a knife which is not "blunt" to peel this radish. I also really love the shadows of the knife tip in this photo and the fact that the watermelon radish is in Christmas colours! Hahaha!!!

Starts with S

 While shopping for skates, Sam smiled about soccer balls! There are a lot of things which "start with 's'" in that sentence.



Some of my favourite holiday food ever are the latkes Dave makes every year during Channukah. Soooo good!!!

your choice


Having a lot of fun with Rachel at an extra sparkly event when it gets dark so early is always "my choice"! Come back tomorrow to read more about this super fun evening.

*week 99 of Lysha's challenge prompts. See her post here.


  1. I LOVE that your dad made you a window box- that IS so special and something to cherish for sure. So I have been curious about watermelon radishes for years here but can never find them. Can you find them easily in Canada?

  2. The window boxes are so beautiful!


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