Tuesday, May 16, 2023

I Spy 2023: Week 19

It's already time for another week of I Spy. These spring weeks are flying by.

Let's Play iSpy 2022

Spot in Town Quarterly

This is our street. I don't know if you can see that the trees are blooming, but except for the fact that they give me allergies, I love how pretty our street looks right now.

Starts with 'M'
This is not the loveliest picture ever but my meatball sub "starts with 'm'" and it tasted delicious. When we have crazy weeks, like this one is, meatball subs are a quick, easy meal.

at last


We've been trying to get to our favourite ice cream shop for about a month and "at last" we fit in our inaugural visit of the spring! Also, I know this is a ridiculous picture but I was trying to get a silly photo with the kids for Mother's Day and it was only later that I realized it worked well for this prompt :)

in the moment

Rachel drew a lovely Mother's Day message for me in chalk on our sidewalk and "in the moment" I thought she had drawn me a sunbathing lima bean! It was actually a duck (Hahaha!) but she spontaneously drew me what I thought I'd seen.

your choice
Seeing unique and beautiful tulips is always "my choice." I found these in our uptown and thought they were so pretty.

*week 71 of Lysha's challenge prompts. See her post here.


  1. I love the beautiful simplicity you have captured in these pics- thanks for sharing :)

  2. The ice cream pic is my favorite for your funny faces, but the tulips are beautiful!

  3. Love that you got ice cream at last!


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