Everything's all set up for the party. Sam is "wearing" his party hat and opening his first card!

Sam didn't quite know what to do with the candle although, after we showed him, he did attempt to blow it out. Unsuccessfully!

Sam enjoyed the chocolate cupcake we let him have at!
Awe, you know you have a true stalker when you mention a certain post, and they immediately must go and find it. Haha! I love that cute little Baby Sam. Both Evan and Grady were similar in that neither wanted anything to do with the candle and just wanted to grab the cake. Haha! I can still proudly say I have never seen a baby "attack" their cake with more gusto than Evan did on his first birthday. Most babies are hesitant and don't know what to do until they've had that first taste. Evan just reached right out and snatched up his large cupcake, rolled it up his bib, and went to town on it. It was too funny! There are videos, of course, on that post: http://www.oursweetlifeonline.com/2009/06/evans-1st-birthday-party.html. I really just love first birthdays! :-)