Sunday, April 08, 2012

Happy Easter!

So Easter for me is usually all about church. Going to services there has really helped me understand the joy and celebration which Easter is all about. However, since living in Edmonton obviously I have not been able to do that.

This year Easter also got a little lost in the chaos of moving. Kind of like Passover got lost in the chaos of moving. Dave decided that for Passover this year we were "re-enacting the exodus from Egypt" and that was our celebration. I just pointed out that our exodus was taking a little longer!

My parents gave us a whole box of Lindor chocolate eggs for Easter so I decided to setup a small Easter egg hunt for Sam.

Here he is holding onto the gift bag the eggs came in as his Easter Basket. Maybe next year we will be a little more intentional! Ha!

Me "hiding" the eggs.

How many eggs can you spot?
Hint: There are six in this picture!
And now a short video of part of Sam's Easter Egg hunt. I think if we had had more patience he likely would have found most of the eggs with no help!

We then let him eat all of them in about two hours and man! Was he spun?!?!?! He was literally spinning in the kitchen and saying, "This egg says, 'Sam eat me!' and the other egg says, 'Sam eat me too!'" Ha ha ha ha ha! Dave and I were laughing!

Sam, after devouring one of the big eggs (as opposed to a little egg) decided the big eggs were too messy and "maybe Daddy can have them!" Ha ha ha! He was quite the mess as you can see below.

Last year we dyed Easter Eggs with Dave's family but we didn't have time this year. However Sam got to dye eggs with Uncle Kim yesterday.

This afternoon we went to Sherwood Park to visit with Krista, Craig, Tyler, Jake and Parker. Sam enjoyed playing outside for a long time and Parker enjoyed holding Rachel.

Parker even taught Rachel a new trick. Check it out below!

Happy Easter and Passover everyone!

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