Then we dropped off library books and went to the post office. The post office lady was nice and opened 10 minutes early for us and saved us a bunch of money on packages by helping us make them smaller so they could go as letters. Yay!
Then Sam had a make up Kindermusik class. He got to play with a hula hoop and he LOVED it. He also liked the "When cows (or insert your own animal here, which is the part Sam likes!) get up in the morning they always say "Good day"" song. There was also a song we sang about running and Sam really liked the running part. It was fun to see the Kindermusik new space. It's lovely!
Then Sam and I stopped at Save-On. Sam walked all around the store. And there was a guy there who said "He is the cutest little kid I've ever seen." I said, "Thank you" while inwardly thinking "I KNOW!!!" :) I actually never know what to say when people say that about Sam. We bought potatoes, avocados, salad and milk so Sam had to walk all around Save-On too.
Then we went to Starbucks. The post office lady was the only one working since her co-worker had called in sick so I wanted to do something nice for her and she mentioned that she would normally get a Starbucks during the day so I told her I'd pick one up for her. I really appreciated the fact that I could get the post office stuff over with before Kindermusik when it wasn't busy. And Sam loved running around the post office.
Jen and Auntie Tasha were at Starbucks so Sam LOVED that :)
Then we dropped off the post office lady's drink and she was very happy. I think it made her bad day a little better. Then we went to buy a present for Stella since it was her party this afternoon. We got sidewalk chalk, bubbles and a couple of things to grow.
Sam was E-X-H-A-U-S-T-E-D by the time we got home, from all the errands and walking, so he wanted his milk and "soos." He slept from 11:30-2:00 and I did dishes, laundry and played some Facebook games. It was good relaxing time.
We picked up Dave and then drove to Millenium Place in Sherwood Park for Stella's birthday party. It was fun. I think Sam's favourite part was the cupcakes.
Just a little preview of his own birthday party in a few weeks :) We played at the play place for about an hour afterward and then came home and ate supper. Now we are all really tired and ready for bed. It's only 7:22 but there is time change tonight (I'll write a whole other post on THAT subject since I'm from Saskatchewan and time change still makes NO SENSE to me!), so really it's like it's 8:22 which is a totally reasonable time to go to bed. Especially since I woke up at 6:30 this morning to get this day underway. I'm looking forward to sleeping in and folding three loads of laundry tomorrow. Until then... Good night!
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