Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Duck, Duck, Goose More Duck

When we were expecting Sam, in December 2008 we flew to Ontario for the week between Christmas and New Years. We met with our Care Group from church and they threw us a surprise baby shower. It was so awesome and we felt so surrounded by love.

One of the gifts we got was the duck blanket and sleeper set featured below. It was from the Patterson Cole family and Sam wore it a lot. Although usually not all together. However I wanted at least one picture of him wearing the entire outfit and tonight I got one of Rachel too. (And I love how in both pictures you can see a little bit of my slippers, both of which are pink, but are actually two different slippers. Ha ha ha!!!)

1 comment:

  1. You commented on my blog post with the link to this and thank you!! HOW SWEET! I just love that outfit. I originally chose it as my daughter's coming home outfit because my Mom brought me home in a sleeper with a duck on it (I still have it, but its a bit ratty, so didn't want to bring her home in it). I am glad I kept it and was able to bring my son home in it, too. Thanks for your comment!
    -Julia @ Sew & Sew 'N Such & Such (


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