Rachel tried out the exersaucer for the first time. I think she enjoyed it. And yes, I know it was too tall for her. And I also know she's missing a sock :) She liked hanging out though.
When we got home Sam wanted cottage cheese in each bowl, rather than choosing one. Sometimes I give in because, really, what's the big deal? At least, that's what I ask myself. And he really enjoyed it.
And now both kids are napping and I took this...
...and turned it into this.
Yay me! Ha ha ha!!!
Sheri is bringing Naden and Tevan over in about fifteen minutes so I can watch them while she goes to get her massage gift from us New Mom's. So I will have four kids on my own until Dave gets home. He said he'd try to get home around 4 or 4:30 and "no later than 5:00" so wish me luck! I'll need it. And patience :)
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