So here is Knut at 26 weeks and 1 day. The shirt I am wearing in this picture is one that Dave's parents bought for me when we announced to them in the summer that we were pregnant with Genghis. Obviously that pregnancy did not end with a healthy baby and so we tried again and now here we are at 26 weeks with Knut. Yay!
This past week Knut has just been very active -- moving around a lot and stretching and generally making his/her presence known! I am also aware that Dave was born at 26 weeks almost thirty years ago, and while I don't think Knut is following in his/her daddy's footsteps, that is also on my mind. I am soooo not ready for Knut to be born this week. So stay in there Knut and grow. Grow. GROW! And I realize I look tired in this picture. I am. Tired of winter and the cold and the snow and also, Sam woke up early this morning so I was rushing to get ready and Dave was trying to get out the door. Life with a toddler is E-X-H-A-U-S-T-I-N-G :)
Also, when he saw Dave take a picture of me, Sam wanted Dave to take a picture of him "eating yogurt." And yes, he makes this face on purpose. sigh.
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