I have once again reached the point where War and Peace is the *only* book on my shelf, and thus I've decided to give it another shot. Unfortunately, after so many stops and starts, and too many weeks and months of neglect, I have no idea who is who, or what the relationships between the characters are. Thus, I took a quick skim through the 400-ish pages that I've read so far, and created the following chart:

Phew, glad to have cleared *that* up! Now I just need to be able to decipher my chart, and I'm all good. Like any good procrastinator, I am also considering re-doing the chart, so that the relationships are arranged in space both generationally, as well as by family. If/when I get that done, I'll post it here for your viewing pleasure. Until then, it's back to the peace that preceded Napoleon's invasion of Russia, and the life of Prince Andrew Bolkonsky.
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