Marcia came over with Olivia for a few minutes to pick up a portable seat for their trip. I think Sam and Olivia enjoyed playing together again. They haven't gotten to spend much time together this month but that will change in March! In the evening I wasn't feeling really great so Dave and Sam hung out. That's when the "You are my sunshine" videos were made.
On Thursday Sam and I went to MOPS. Sam didn't cry at all when I left him, he didn't the week before either. These are the first times since September that he hasn't cried when I left the nursery. Yay!!! Thursday night Auntie Tasha came to hang out with Sam which he was SO EXCITED about! He hadn't seen her for about two weeks and had been asking for her for a few days. Dave and I just watched Friends on DVD downstairs and it was nice to just hang out a bit.
Yesterday Sam went to Kindermusik and I think he enjoyed it. Aven, from New Mom's, was there and he hadn't seen her for awhile so he was excited about that. Sam was disappointed that he didn't get to "shake eggs" but he got to "shake bells" instead so I think it worked out for him.
Last night we celebrated Shabbat for the first time in awhile.
I made goulash and we had challah (or zopf, as the bakery we buy it from calls it) and lit the candles. It was nice to have some down time and to hang out. Then we skyped with both my parents and Dave's parents. I think Sam enjoyed seeing everyone on the computer.
I was super tired so I went to bed when Sam did, at 8:30, and Sam and I both slept for over 12 hours! Dave slept for 9 hours so we all had good sleeps last night. It was lovely!
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