Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Ontario Arrival

On Saturday April 28 Dave and I went to meet with our new landlords and see our new house. We were very excited about the house and our landlords seemed great. Then we went back to Auntie Lorna's and visited with Dave's family. Lisa, Neal, Olivia and Theo showed up and after supper, Tim, Janice, Tessa and Willem stopped by to say hi too! It was so nice to see everyone.

On Sunday we went to church. Sam (and Dave!) went to Sunday School for the first time, Rachel and I visited with a lot of people and Vanessa got baptized and I was her advocate. It was sooooo good to be back at church and we felt very welcomed.

That afternoon, Mom, Dad, and we made a trip to IKEA in Burlington. First on the agenda was getting Sam a big-boy bed. We also picked up a desk for Dave, a new apron for me, and some other things that I can't remember! And we had fun taking some pictures:

Rachel checks out IKEA's beds while I lounge in a closet. Now that's a big closet!

Sam played with the toys...

... and then he and Opa got his bed! Major excitement!
We also picked out a new duvet for his new room and some number baskets.

Rachel enjoyed sitting in the cart and yelling :)

Then we drove back to KW and took Mom, Dad, Sam and Rachel to check out our new place.

We have lots of lovely outdoor porches -- one on the main floor and one off our bedroom.

Our bedroom has double doors which I find very exciting for some reason!

I also have my own walk-in closet. Or as Sam is demonstrating, a climb in closet!

Sam hanging out in our staircase.

Sam was excited to see our house and we headed back to Auntie Lorna's for supper and bed.

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