Monday, May 14, 2012

Not What I Had Planned

I had planned to write a post about my experience at Let's Play this morning -- a playgroup run through my church. But I forgot my camera and a post about a playgroup without pictures is just boring.

This afternoon I got the kids down for simultaneous naps (yay! yay! yay!) and then I watered all my flowers. I discovered that someone or something (a bird? a squirrel?) had been digging in my pots and some plants were missing and some were dug up :( I rescued what I could but I am NOT impressed.

I spent some time this afternoon washing off some boot mats Tim and Janice gave us yesterday, sweeping off our top deck and rearranging it. Then I read a book on the futon while Rachel ate some Cheerios.

When Dave got home he took care of the kids and supper and I cleaned Rachel's room, our room and the bathroom. That was A LOT of work. And now there's just the rest of the house. sigh.

Tonight was beautiful and Sam had slept until 5:15 (because he didn't fall asleep until 3:30) so we walked through Mount Hope Cemetery to the Dairy Queen. Sam and I shared a strawberry milkshake. At one point I looked down and Sam and Rachel were holding hands. It was soooo sweet! Of course, when I tried to get a picture they stopped holding hands so you'll have to imagine the sweetness.

So the blog title refers to the flowers in my pots being eaten, the lack of Let's Play photos and the time spent at the car place to get our front license plate attached which I didn't even write about because I was so tired and hungry by the end of it. another sigh.

And now I'm exhausted and off to bed. Tomorrow is more house cleaning and laundry. Fun times I tell you!

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