On Thursday we went to Auntie Lorna's to visit with Katherine and Clara. I realized that Rachel and Clara were almost exactly the same age as Sam and Olivia when they met for the first time so I wanted to get a picture. Rachel seemed intrigued by Clara and was actually quite gentle with her! Rachel is eleven months old and Clara is six weeks old.
And here are Sam and Olivia when they were almost the same ages. Sam was almost one and Olivia was two months old. I can hardly remember when Sam was this small.
On Friday we went to a program at the library called Mother Goose on the Loose. Sam really enjoyed it, especially when he got to play with the ribbon sticks.
We spent the rest of Friday at Tim and Janice's visiting with Janice and other people from her mom's group and then going out to New Hamburg to celebrate Shabbat with Dave's family.
On Saturday Donny and Marika and Marika's parents came to town and we went to the Seedling Sale at Little City Farm. It was a lot of fun!
...homemade lemonade to drink...
...and pita from a wood-fired cob-oven to eat.
It was a lot of fun!
Then we went out to Pho Ben Thanh for Viet-Thai food. Rachel was quite screechy, in a loud but not unhappy way, until we could get her some rice, and Sam attempted to use chopsticks. He actually managed to get food to his mouth in a bit of an unorthodox way!
Then we came home, had some down time and headed off to care group at Margaret and Nolan's. It was awesome!!!
Our kids played and played and played and we didn't even see Sam except for getting him food at supper. And after supper, we didn't see Rachel until we left. Rachel was enjoying hanging out with "the big girls."
And Sam had the time of his life! I am so happy to be back at church and to be able to participate in care group again. I know our kids are going to love it! And so will I :)
Today at church, Sam saw Tessa and said, "I'm going to Sunday School with Tessa" so I didn't go to assembly with him. What a treat! Then during church he went straight to the nursery on his own. and then for children's time I saw him running up the aisle to attend. I'm so glad he is feeling comfortable :)
After church we went to Conestoga Mall so that I could get some summer clothes which fit! I found two pairs of shorts and I have decided this is my Summer of the Skirt so I got three skirts for $15 each! Yay! I am so excited about them and they are very comfortable. So look for some awesome looking skirts in upcoming blog posts! Ha ha ha!
Sam thought he needed sunglasses at Old Navy...
...but we just ended up getting him some shorts which will (hopefully) fit! All his 3T shorts fall off of him. sigh...
It was 30 degrees this afternoon so we decided to harvest our lettuce from Donny and Marika and make a big salad so we didn't have to cook. It was delicious! Yum yum yum!
And now it's time for bed. Although first I have to shower because I weeded the big flower bed today and planted my three tomato plants from yesterday.
(And actually, before I can do that, I need to finish Rachel's 11 month post. Yep! You get TWO blog posts today to make up for the two days before that of no blogging. Enjoy!)
And now it's time for bed. Although first I have to shower because I weeded the big flower bed today and planted my three tomato plants from yesterday.
(And actually, before I can do that, I need to finish Rachel's 11 month post. Yep! You get TWO blog posts today to make up for the two days before that of no blogging. Enjoy!)
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