...I forgot to check the timing of the mini golf at West Edmonton Mall and we got there with only five minutes before it closed. So we groused a little and then decided to just follow through on the rest of the plan which was to grab Starbucks at Chapters and work together on Sam's baby book. But when we got to the Chapters the Starbucks was closed for renovations. It seriously felt like the universe was conspiring against this date night :)
So after going back and forth on what we were then going to do, we ended up at the Starbucks at the Chapters on Whyte Ave (yes, five blocks from our house) working on Sam's baby book. And the evening was somewhat salvaged. (If you don't count the HOUR of useless driving to West Ed and back.) And walking through the baby section on the way out of the store "someone" (read: ME!) was inspired to buy a stuffed animal for Knut. We'd bought a couple of stuffed animals for Sam before he was born and I was feeling bad that Knut didn't have any yet.
So we couldn't agree on which one to buy and then the Chapters guy told us that this year, in the Chinese astrology, is the Year of The Rabbit. So we got one of those. See, now Knut has his/her own stuffed animal. Isn't it cute?!?!?!?
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