Monday, December 18, 2023

10 On The 10th: December 2023

Welcome to "10 on the 10th" for December, where I took 10 pictures of my December 10th. This was the fourth night of Channukah, a Sunday, and a day when we had our friends' three kids over for the entire afternoon. While they were visiting, I baked our annual Channukah cookies. The kids love making these which is shown by the fact that they took a break from hanging out with their friends to prepare the cookies.

Each kid works on one colour so Sam made the yellow ones while Rachel made the blue ones. These are Jell-O cookies and we love them. You can find the recipe here.

All ready for the fourth night festivities...

I love our two menorahs so much. The one of the left is one my dad made for us and the one of the right was a wedding present from Dave's grandparents. The glass holder under the one on the right is a gift from Dave's aunt who lives in Israel. She just gave it to us this past May so this is the first year we've used it.
Finished cookies and our Channukah plates which I forgot to pull out until this day but which we used a lot during Channukah.
We traditionally give the kids books on one night of Channukah, so we thought after a busy day of church and playing with friends, an evening of cozy reading, and eating Channukah cookies, would be just the thing.
This was such a calm night of Channukah after the busyness of the day.

And this is my last "10 on the 10th" post for 2023. I have loved this way of documenting a day every month, even if some of them haven't been the most exciting ever. So come back in 2024 when I will be continuing this.


  1. Hope you had a wonderful Hanukkah! The cookies came out great!

  2. That sounds like a wonderful day! Those plates are so fun and the cookies look yummy.

  3. The plates are really cute! This is a fun way to document a day each month.

  4. That Happy Challah Days plate is great! Your cookies look wonderful.

  5. Such a wonderful time of year! Love the tradition of book giving.


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