Monday, February 13, 2023

10 On The 10th: February 2023

This past Friday was February 10th which means it was time for "10 on the 10th." Friday was a tough day at work (working in a Grade 7 & 8 school is not for the faint of heart -- oh my word), and then I had a rare Friday afternoon massage. By the time I got home, I was done. So I decided to take ten pictures of things I didn't do on Friday because it was a rough day and I crawled straight into bed with a book when I got home, and fell asleep before 9pm.

Usually on Fridays, I try to ensure the back table is cleared off, but I didn't do that. 


My desk was piled with things to do and I had no energy to sort through it.


There were a lot of dishes to do and I left them all for Dave.


My tulips desperately needed some attention, which I didn't give them.


I didn't even have the energy to throw a load of laundry in the wash, let alone sort these three baskets into piles.

Dave had been asking me to deal with some almost dead oranges in the fridge for weeks but they had to wait too... 

I also didn't have the energy to menu plan and make a grocery list.
I was so tired that food didn't even appeal to me so I had Dave bring me a snack for supper.
Thankfully, after an evening of rest, and a good night's sleep, I had so much energy on Saturday. I did five loads of laundry, cleaned off the back table and my desk, washed a bunch of dishes, dealt with all the dead tulips in the house, juiced the oranges, menu planned, made a complete grocery list, finished a book, decorated for Valentine's Day, and wrote this blog post. I'm just so glad that I had an evening to recuperate first.

I promise my March 10th post will be the most exciting one this year -- assuming everything goes according to plan :)


  1. Some days are totally like that! It's so good that you listened to your body and rested. I am starting to get better at doing that instead of ploughing on and then crashing!!

  2. I can so relate to this kind of Friday after a tough week- love your productivity the next day- you crushed it!

  3. Yep, some days are just like that! Glad to hear your productivity increased so much the next day.

  4. This is my favorite 10 on 10 you've ever done. Seriously. There needs to be space for us to admit that we can't tackle it all and to know we are not alone when we leave things undone. I appreciate this!

  5. I love this post! I feel it. I'm sure we all do.


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