Friday, April 19, 2024

Friday Favourite Moments #15 (A Week Late)

So I took an unintentional blogging break. I didn't mean too but other things kept happening and then, by the time I had time to blog, I was too tired to write anything coherent. Now here we are over a week later, and I'm finally back. And I'm prioritizing blogging over doing my taxes and folding laundry! Hahaha! So this is still going to be a Friday Favourite Moments post, but all these favourites are from last week. Hopefully on Monday, I'll post my Friday Favourite Moments from this past week.

1) Laundry Hanging Season!!!

I know I am likely the only person who gets excited about this (well, probably my mom does too!), but I hung my first load of laundry on the line!!! I love when the weather is nice enough to hang laundry outside!!!

2) Buying pansies

I went to my favourite greenhouse and was able to buy pansies (and some ranunculus too!)!!! I was so happy to pick out my pansies. Now I just need the weather to be consistently nice enough that I can plant them outside.
3) Disc Golf with Dave
Dave and I bought discs and played a couple of rounds of disc golf on a nice afternoon! It was fun to play and we can't wait to go again sometime.
4) The Eclipse
While we weren't in the path of totality, we did get 99% eclipse. It was so cool to experience as a family -- the sky got noticeably darker and it definitely got cooler outside. It was more like dusk, rather than complete darkness, but I'm so glad we got to experience it.
5) First BBQ of the season
We enjoyed our first BBQ of the season -- sausage, potato salad, and chickpea salad! This was so delicious and I could eat this meal again right now! The best part was that we grew our own herbs (chives and mint) for the salad.

Last week was a very "spring oriented" week of favourites! We had gorgeous weather and enjoyed all the outside things. Now I'm going to get some laundry folded, and get our taxes done, and then I'll write a post for next week about this past week. Happy Friday!!!


  1. These are some fabulous favorites! I've been eyeing all the pansy and pretty flowers at our local shops too and can not wait to plant some outside... hopefully just a few more weeks to go! Your BBQ night looks delicious.

  2. Yeah! Can't wait to see how you plant your flowers- you always do such a beautiful job :)

  3. It was so fun to see the eclipse! 99% is pretty darn good!!

  4. That is cool that you got to see a dusk experience with the eclipse!

  5. That´s cool that you got to see most of the eclipse. We were in the path of totality but it sounds like we experienced similar sites: it didn´t get completely dark here either, more like dusk. Disc golf sounds fun! Hope nice weather continues for you!


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