Two of (many of!) my favourite things are linking up with Holly at Pink Lady and Patty at Good, Better, Best for their Monthly Musings and celebrating/enjoying spring! So today is like one of my favourite Monthly Musings ever (!!!) -- spring and travel are things I will never get tired of blogging about :)
1) Favourite Spring fashion pieces?
I'm going to say that my favourite spring fashion piece is actually a lack of a fashion piece, and by that I mean, getting rid of my socks!!! As much as I love putting on a cozy pair of socks to crawl into bed in the winter, as soon as the weather is the slightest bit warm, I ditch them. I don't know why I'm so adverse to wearing socks for six to seven months of the year! Hahaha!
2) Favourite Spring scent?
Dirt! I love digging in the dirt and cleaning up the garden beds, and planting planters, makes me soooo happy!!! I also really just love the smell of fresh spring air coming through the windows. There's something about having the windows open on those gorgeous spring days which can't be beat. (The hostesses were probably thinking I'd write about perfume or something but you all know by now that I'm just not that kind of blogger! Hahaha!)
3) Go-to Spring meals?
I was just thinking the other day that spring was a hard season to cook for. We are moving away from the comfort foods of the soups and casseroles of winter but we don't yet have our CSA veggies, and it isn't consistently nice enough to BBQ. So I think quick and easy are my go-to spring meals. We often have evening activities so I don't have a lot of time to cook. I know, this is a super helpful answer, isn't it :)
I do love a good BBQ night with some delicious salads on the side though!
4) Share a Spring dessert recipe.
We don't really do dessert around here. If the evening is nice enough, we like to walk uptown for ice cream at our favourite ice cream spot, but sadly, we haven't made it there yet this year. And if you read my post yesterday, you know we've been doing a weekly "chocolate croissant date walk" which is not actually a date walk. And in thinking about it, chocolate croissants are the perfect spring dessert -- a little sweet, fairly light, and a lot flaky -- just like spring! Hahahahaha!!!
5) Share a few Spring traditions.
I don't know that we have many spring traditions so I'm going to write about some of my favourite things to do in spring...
...although one tradition we have is to go for ice cream on the Sunday after time change. We didn't do that this year, however, because we were travelling but it's a fun way to celebrate there being more light in the evenings.
Even though our St Patrick's Day dinner happens in March, I feel like it's a "spring thing" and I really love it!
I don't have anything special to mark the "first laundry hanging day of the year" but it makes me absolutely giddy to hang that first load on the line!!!
Again, celebrating Pi Day on March 14 is a family tradition. Sometimes we have "pizza pie" and sometimes we have "Key Lime pie."
It's always exciting to go to our first Blue Jays game of the year!!! (Although truthfully, our first game this year felt more like summer than spring due to our wacky weather.)
And I love love love when the food trucks are back in our town. That usually happens in early May so I've been stalking their Instagram to see when they start!
6) Best Spring cleaning hack?
Don't do it! Ha! But that's seriously my hack. When spring hits, our cleaning/organizing energy tends to focus on the outdoors so yeah, I don't really spring clean.
7) Will you plant a garden this year?
No. I mean, I will plant my annuals, but we are part of a CSA (community shared agriculture) which will likely start mid-June, so that's our fresh veggies for the season. We (read: I) plant a lot of annuals though. I usually buy about 100 plants, if not more.
stolen from Patty's blog yesterday :) See it here.
8) Spring rain... love or hate?
If I can stay home with the windows open, I love it. If I have to walk to work, and it's cold and dreary, I hate it. So "both" is my answer!
9) Favourite Spring flower.
You would think after reading my blog all winter, that my answer here would be "tulips" but you would be wrong. To me, tulips are my "winter" flower. I get really excited about seeing the daffodils and pulmonaria (lungwort) blooming in our yard. And this year, I tried a ranunculus planter and I am loving it! And of course, my pansies always bring me great joy!
10) Any Spring travel this year?
We're going to be travelling to Toronto a lot this spring. Does that count? (For reference, it's about an hour and a half away.) For some reason, we have an event in Toronto about every two-three weeks this spring (which is unusual) so we'll be going there a lot. Other than that, no, we won't be travelling until summer. (At least, we don't plan to travel -- an emergency could always change that.)
Thanks for letting me ramble on about my favourite season (probably it's my favourite -- I can never decide between spring and fall although I think spring has a slight edge) and reading about all my favourite spring things. I can't wait for our spring to warm up just a little bit more (we had one summer-like week and the rest has been cool/cold) so we can live our best, outside, spring lives!
Happy Spring!!!