Yes, we're going to try this again. I am feeling positive about this coming week and I haven't had good ideas to blog about lately (therefore the lack of posts) so hopefully this will help get me on the right track. As I've said before, this is mostly for me to be able to look back and see what my day-to-day life was like at this point. Hopefully you won't find it too boring and if you do, it'll be done in a week :) And there are lots of (somewhat boring!) pictures!
This morning I woke up at around 8 to Sam getting into bed with me. I dozed and he did whatever until I dragged myself out of bed at 9. Have I mentioned I've been tired lately?! Sam watched a Mighty Machines video while I got myself ready and Rachel woke up.
Then I served everyone breakfast. I had tea, a bagel and a yogurt. I feel like a short order cook at breakfast time as everybody eats different things and it's a little nuts getting it all ready. Sam ate three of his Hallowe'en m&m packages and said, "M is for Mommy, Sam, Oma and famous!" I laughed because "famous" is not a word I hear him using a lot!
By 9:45 I was cleaning up breakfast, changing Sam's diaper, and dealing with the vegetables from our last CSA pickup. They had been sitting in a Rubbermaid bin on our porch and needed attention as some of them were getting a bit moldy. Sam and Rachel played the "Hat Game" while I did that. The "Hat Game" is where they both put on hats and run around the house like crazy people. They made it up together and have a lot of fun playing it. And it allows me to get stuff done. Win-win!
By 10:40 I was finished with the vegetables, I got dressed and started to clean the bedrooms while Sam and Rachel watched another Mighty Machines video.
By 11:30 I was doing dishes and drinking my leftover cold tea from breakfast. It's always satisfying to see the counter go from looking like the picture on the left to the picture on the right!
By noon I was feeding everyone lunch. Sam had a peanut butter and jam sandwich, Rachel had leftover pasta and I had leftover squash soup. Then it was time to put the upstairs back together (I take everything off the floor to clean), sweep the hallway and stairs and get Sam dressed.
At 12:40 we left to take Sam to school. We drive because it's a little too far to walk. I helped Sam wash his hands and talked with some of the other moms. By 1:10 we were home and I attempted to put Rachel down for nap. For some reason she has started freaking out when we put her to bed; it's very frustrating. By 1:40 Rachel was asleep, the stairs and hallway were washed, and I was working on the kitchen and dining room, thus everything was piled up in the living room.
By 2:00 I was able to take some time at the computer -- responding to e-mails and reading blogs, while enjoying some Hallowe'en treats! At 2:40 I put the kitchen and dining room back together, and wrote a thank you card for someone at the preschool who handed down some clothes to Rachel. At 3:00 I woke up Rachel (I really dislike her shortened naps on preschool days) and went to pick Sam up from preschool. I drank my daily Coke while driving back and forth. We were home by 3:45 and I cleaned the bathroom while Sam and Rachel played with the recycling downstairs. By 4:15 the challah was baking for tonight, Sam was complaining and Rachel was having a time out in her exersaucer for playing with cords, although really she had too much fun for it to be a timeout! See?
At 6:50 arrived the
At 7:25 Dave cleaned the bathtub while Sam did puzzles downstairs, and Rachel and I read books (or not!) in her room.
Then Dave bathed Rachel while I helped Sam clean his room.
At 8:15 I put Rachel down for sleep while Dave bathed Sam then I got to blog, answer e-mails and eat a snack of apples and caramel sauce and drink tea while Dave continued to bathe Sam and put him to bed. It took a really long time for the pictures for this post to upload so now it is 9:30. I am going to drink some tea and go to bed, after reading for a bit, because I am tired and I want to get up tomorrow morning and exercise before we have to start the rest of our day! Good night.
Sounds like a busy and productive day. I love that you have to "take the house apart" from room to room to clean it. Sounds like me. Ha! The video of Rachel shows what a fun and happy girl she is. I love it! Yes, she and Brody would get along well...little stinkers! I need to post some videos of Brody soon because I guess nothing really shows what a child is really like like a video does. :-)
ReplyDeleteSo um I really wish you lived next door because we apparently have the exact same days :) I am glad someone else is preparing 100 different meals for various stages of children each day. Kate and Lincoln also get into the hall closet and tear apart all the winter hats and mittens and sprint around the house and go out and "play in the snow". (I will mention that it was 75 degrees here...we have VERY active imaginations. Hah). Kate ate potatoes tonight under **extreme duress**. Haha :) Amy
ReplyDeleteI loved reading about your day! Your boys are adorable!