Monday, March 05, 2012

A Tour of Our House -- Updated: Part 2

So continuing on from yesterday with the "How Our House Has Changed Tour" we'll check out the office in 2007:
And "the office" now known as Sam's room in 2012:

Where we used to have an overstuffed bookshelf and cozy reading nook:
We now have a mural, a dresser and a change table (and diaper pail and hockey net!):

This was looking to our kitchen in 2007:
And looking into our kitchen now:

We have more baby stuff, fuller shelves, a light above the sink, and more magnetic alphabets on the fridge!

This was the view of our table and kitchen-island thing in 2007:
And here's the view today. Again, more shelves, wall file folders to create some "office space" and a highchair!

Our bathroom view hasn't changed a whole lot since 2007...
...although there are more potty books on the toilet...

But if you look at the back of the door and the view to the sink you will see more towels, more toothbrushes and more potties! Ha ha!

That's all for today. Tune in tomorrow for the last few rooms of change...

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