Thursday, February 27, 2025

Monthly Musings: How We Show Love

It's finally the last Thursday in February which means it's time for Monthly Musings with Holly who blogs at Pink Lady and Patty who blogs at Good, Better, Best. I really love the Monthly Musings link up. This month we are talking about how we show love. Also, I didn't have great pictures for this post so I picked some of my February tulips through the years to feature :)

1) What is your love language?

I think my love language is "acts of service" or "quality time." I definitely show love through "acts of service." Dave's love language is "physical touch" but that's definitely not mine!

2) Favourite love song?

Anything from the 80s! Hahaha! Dave and I had "When you say nothing at all" by Ronan Keating, from the movie Notting Hill, as the first dance at our wedding. It just became our song through our time of dating but it was more "it chose us" rather than "we chose it."

3) Flowers, chocolate, or something else?

I don't really love chocolate so I guess flowers. But really, I like buying my own. I do feel really special when someone sends me flowers though!


4) Favourite romantic/rom com movie?

We don't watch that many movies anymore but I really do love most of Hugh Grant's and Meg Ryan's movies -- Notting Hill, Love Actually, Four Weddings and a Funeral, When Harry Met Sally, You've Got Mail...

5) Favourite childhood Valentine's memory?

I really didn't love Valentine's Day as a kid. I rarely got cards so it just felt like a very lonely day. I don't really remember when that changed but I do love that when my kids were younger, the idea behind Valentine's Day was that every kid got a card.

I know I've shared this before but one year when I was in university, I commented how much Valentine's Day sucked as a single person. My friends went out of their way to make that day special for me. They gave me chocolates, made lovely cards, and I just remember feeling so loved. They honestly hosted the original Galentine's Day way back in 1993 just for me and I loved them for it. That's still my absolute favourite Valentine's Day memory ever.

6) How did you celebrate Valentine's Day?

It was a "blah" day. Sam stayed home from school and soccer because he was sick. It was the Friday of a long weekend and we'd just had a snow day and another snow storm was coming. We were cancelling plans to see friends and it just wasn't a great day. I honestly don't remember what we ate for supper (maybe McDonald's? Maybe grilled cheese?) and I crawled into bed early. Valentine's was not great this year :(

Our Valentine's this year was lame, kind of like these tulips! Hahaha!!! 

7) Any love or romance traditions?

We used to do McDonald's on Valentine's Day as a kind of anti-Valentine's thing -- the least romantic thing we could think of. Honestly, Dave and I show love to each other all year round and it's really not about the grand romantic gestures for us but more the small, every day things.

8) When do you feel most loved?

When I invite my community to celebrate with me and they show up! The last time I remember feeling this way was for my 50th birthday party. In the every day, it's when my family does small things for me because they know it will make me happy -- Sam clearing snow without being asked, Rachel baking my favourite cookies, or Dave driving out of his way to find tulips because he knows how much they mean to me.

9) Big night out or chill at home?

I used to think "big night out" but really, I'm more of a "chill at home" person. Big nights out are fun once in awhile but really, let me enjoy being at home in my pjs!

10) Do you wear red/pink on Valentine's Day?

No. One of these years I will buy the heart sweater shown below because I always love it when I see it on other people's blogs but I haven't done that yet!

So those are some of our traditions around love/Valentine's Day. One of these years I want to do the daily "hearts on the door" for our kids but this year just wasn't that year. I'm off to read some of the other posts in the blog link up to see what your traditions around love/Valentine's Day are.


  1. My love language is acts of service too.

  2. First off I love all the tulip photos! I can go either way on the night out or chill at home; it really depends a lot on my mood of the moment.

  3. Acts of service is mine too! I saw tulips at the market this week and thought of you!

  4. Acts of Service and tulips are some of my faves too- that sweater is so cute!

  5. I feel like many women are 'acts of service' and most men are 'physical touch'! haha! My grandparents always gave me the heart box with assorted candies. I miss that.

  6. The story about your friends hosting a Galentines event for you is so sweet. Thanks for joining us!


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