Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Halfway Through February And What I'd Read

I told you yesterday it was going to be book week on the blog, right? Well here's what I'd read through the first half of February.

I started this book after giving up on Onyx Storm. I needed something light and nonviolent. This was a beautiful story of hope and loss set during World War II. I enjoyed it but I felt like things worked out a little too well in the end, if that makes any sense.

This was another book set during World War II and it was about a bookshop and a woman bringing disparate characters together to form a community. I really liked it although the writing wasn't the best and it took me about half the book to get over that. It just felt a little trite at times. Overall, this ended up being a good story though.

This was my book club book this month and while I enjoyed it, I didn't love it. I think maybe if I were American I would have loved it more. Also, some of the stories I'd heard while listening to Sharon's podcast so they weren't as interesting to me. I would still recommend this book, especially if you are feeling powerless, and hopeless, in the face of current events.

I wanted to love this book about CS Lewis and the woman who eventually became his wife. However, it was too philosophical for me at many points and, while it was mostly interesting, some of the conversations were very long. In some ways this feels like more of a reading of (somewhat uninteresting) letters between two people rather than a novel.

I didn't love this book either. I felt like it had potential but fell short. I think the book could have been about fifty pages shorter. While the subject matter was intense (spousal abuse), I don't feel like the book was as engaging as I'd hoped it would be.

Even though it's not the season, I still read this book now. It was a sweet book which advanced the story but didn't really tie anything up so now I'm waiting for the third in the series to be available.

While I read quite a few books in the first half of February, I didn't love any of them and I'm pretty sure it was me and my mood as opposed to the books I was reading. Well, maybe I'll partially blame the books :) Do you ever get to the point where no books appeal to you at all? Clearly I need to push through until I find another great book which I will then rave about to everyone I meet!


  1. I enjoyed The Secret Book of Flora Lea and I'm looking forward to her new book coming out soon.

  2. Wow, you've read a lot of books already. I also read The Last Bookshop in London and liked it.

  3. I hope that in the near future you will find some living room that will excite you!! March is coming soon and the walks outside will begin!!

  4. Oh yes, I have had times like that where it seems like no book is really pulling me in or making me love them. And then I start to wonder if it's me and my mood or the books or both. I totally get it.

  5. Gong to add some of these to my list!!


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