Friday, February 14, 2025

Friday Favourite Moments #8

Well blogging friends, it's been another hard week around here. No one else has died, and I'll be able to talk about what's been going on more in a couple of weeks, but it's been another week of sadness and disappointments. I've cried more since January 27th than I have in a long time and I'm really ready for some good news and easy days. In weeks like this one, I think it's even more important to notice favourite moments so I'm going to share them here.

1) Communion and church lunch

We had communion at church on Sunday followed by a lunch together after the service. It was still a hard Sunday as we continue to mourn the deaths of our friends but it was so good to be together.

This is a mosaic that hangs at the front of our church which a group of kids made at our midweek church program a number of years ago.

2)  Sam helping

We've had a lot of snow this week and Dave and I did a lot of shovelling on Sunday morning. When we got home from church, the snowplow had gone by and, in case you don't know, the snowplow snow is the heaviest snow and it always blocks our driveway. Dave was understandably frustrated about having to do even more shovelling, and expressed it. Sam jumped out of the car, grabbed the shovel, and started clearing the driveway. I helped him but Sam really did the bulk of the heavy lifting.

Sam is not the most motivated child and we often have to prod him (multiple times) to get him to help around the house. I was so thankful he just did this without being asked. He also helped Rachel study for a French vocab test this week and shovelled out the driveway after the snowplow went by yesterday, so I've been super thankful for those moments this week. 


He also knocked a very large icicle off our house and carried it around like a baby for awhile!

3) Snow day called

We had a snow day yesterday and our board called it the night before!!! Normally they don't call snow days until 6am the morning of, so I have to get up before 6 to see if it's a snow day, send out a message to my school community, text my principal, crawl back into bed, and hope I fall asleep again. With it being called the night before I was able to sleep until 8:30 which was such a luxury!!!

4) Blog Friends Book Club

I had my Blog Friends Book Club last night and it was absolutely one of my favourite moments this week. I really think, for me, this was one of the best things to come out of Covid. You can go here to read the post Allena wrote after our first meeting in October 2020. And we've been meeting almost monthly since then. I think we've read almost 50 books together. I love these three women so much! My favourite part of this picture is I asked if I could take a picture for this post and they all made the heart gesture! (I would have made it too but I was taking the picture and could only manage half a heart - hahaha!)

So those were my favourite moments from this past week. I'm really hoping this next week holds less bad news, more good moments, and less snow. However, they're already calling for another 5-10cm (2-4 inches) for tomorrow so there is that...


  1. Wishing you brighter days ahead and more JOY all around- I know it will be an amazing year XO

  2. Hoping everything is ok. We had a snow day this week too.

  3. I am so sorry you're still having such a hard time. Praying that you get some relief and can find comfort. Look at all that snow!! I can't fathom...

  4. I'm sorry you had a rough week, but good for you to notice the bright spots, like a helpful Sam and a snow day! That icicle!

  5. Well I am relieved that no one else had died but I am so sorry to hear you had another rough week. You do have some great favorite moments from the week though. So glad Sam has been so extra helpful lately!


Thank you for being interested in my life as I blog it and for leaving a comment. Comments make me happier than reading a good book and drinking a cold Coke. Almost :)