Thursday, January 25, 2024

Monthly Musings: Winter Self-Care

I love linking up with Holly at Pink Lady and Patty at Good, Better, Best for their "Monthly Musings." Today we're talking about Winter Self-Care and, given that we are in the depths of snow and ice right now, I have just a few things to say about this topic!

1) How do you take care of yourself in winter?

I embrace the dark and the cold and I give myself permission to stay home and stay cozy. I try to make some plans so that I'll leave the house (besides work!), but I also embrace the evenings of drinking tea and reading a book. In winter, it's all about staying warm for me.


This has been my go to outfit at home this winter -- my Taylor Swift sweatshirt and my fuzzy owl pajama pants. If you stop by our house unexpectedly, ninety percent of the time I'll be wearing this outfit. The other ten percent of the time, it's in the laundry!!!

2) How do you fight the winter blues?

Well, if you've read around here for any length of time, you'll know it's all about the tulips for me!!! I buy myself a couple of bouquets every few weeks and I enjoy them so much! They are a definite bright spot in my January and February.

I also make sure I get a lot of exercise, which is built into my day, walking to work. Even when I have to bundle up, I know it's good for me!

3) Tips to make your living space cozy?

My two biggest tips are lots of blankets (there are currently three or four on our living room couch right now) and low lighting. Last year I started putting white twinkle lights on our living room window and I only turn those on in the mornings. It's just a nice way to ease into my day.

Left: me wrapped up in a blanket; right: my morning twinkle light view

4) Suggestions for fun wintertime activities?

Skating. Our neighbourhood rink is finally open and I can't wait to go visit it. We have also tried to go downhill skiing the past couple of years. We'll never be avid skiers but it's fun to try once in awhile.

5) What are your exercise routines in the winter?

I walk to work and back almost every day which is usually between 5 and 6 kilometres (3 plus miles). And then I shovel a lot of snow. This past Sunday it was nice(ish) out so I went and chipped some ice off the driveway. With all the shovelling, I do a lot more weightlifting in winter (hahaha!).

6) Best tips for restful sleep?

Make sure you are warm enough. In winter, I heat up my comfort bag and fall asleep with it on my feet. I also wear socks to bed. I hate being cold at night, and, as you might be able to tell, I especially hate having cold feet!

7) Favourite warm beverage?

In the morning, I drink coffee-hot chocolate but that is a year round drink. Sometimes at work I will drink an Earl Grey tea to warm up in the afternoon. And lately, we've been drinking a lot of decaf black tea (I like it with milk and sugar) in the evenings. There's nothing like a nice cup of tea to warm me up.

I love drinking out of this macaron mug Janice gave me. The colours feel like spring.

8) Best winter skincare tips?

I don't ever have a lot of great skincare tips. I do use a little more lotion on my hands in winter because all the cold makes them dry, especially if I do too many dishes.

9) Flannel sheets - yes or no?

Absolutely yes!!! We didn't put them on until January this year but they are the best!!! We also have flannel duvet covers so I am surrounded by coziness at night!

10) Favourite winter pajamas?

A few years ago, we started ordering the annual pajamas from Maplelea, a Canadian doll company. I have three pairs of their pajamas which I really love. We haven't loved the patterns the past couple of years so we haven't bought the most recent ones. And I've been loving our pajamas from Old Navy this year. Last year, my pants were too hot but this year they're just right!

Three years of Maplelea pajamas
This year's favourite pajamas -- flannel pants from Old Navy and a waffle shirt

So that's me in winter -- lots of shovelling, lots of warm socks, lots of blankets, lots of hot tea, and lots of tulips! Almost every single day in my winter life includes all of these things.


  1. I love my thick fleecy socks and have 4 pairs I rotate through each week to keep my toes nice and warm. If I can keep my feet warm the rest of me doesn't feel quite so cold.

  2. I miss my flannel sheets! I had them for a queen bed but now my bed is a king.

  3. I love the twinkle lights, that does make the space more special. I forgot about shoveling snow, that is a workout! Toronto has hardly had any snow, so I haven't done any shoveling this year. So strange.

  4. I am with you on the cozy evenings consisting of a relaxing drink, warm socks and a cozy blanket. Throw in a good book and you are all set! Love your tulips and dedication to keeping fresh prettiness around.

  5. I am so impressed with the amount you walk! That is amazing especially in the cold! Anyway- check out my post today- one picture is especially for you :)

  6. I enjoyed reading all of your answers and do a lot of the same things as you. I hope you are staying warm and cozy.

  7. You look so cozy in your warm winter house gear!!

  8. Giving myself permission to slow down this season is something that I'm doing for the first time & it has made such a huge difference!

  9. I love your macaron mug and the matching pajamas are so cute!

  10. I am super jealous you get to walk to work. And your mug is super cute. Thanks for joining us.

  11. Being cozy is key when it's cold. That's for sure!

  12. I really love having fresh flowers - often tulips! - in the house during the winter to cheer me up. :-) Love the matching pajamas! Stay warm!


Thank you for being interested in my life as I blog it and for leaving a comment. Comments make me happier than reading a good book and drinking a cold Coke. Almost :)