Monday, May 16, 2022

I Spy 2022: Week 18 (Week 70)

I'm going to post another "I Spy" post. This is the post I should have posted on May 7.  I did actually take most of these pictures during the previous week except for "plant" and "inside out." As always, I'm linking up with Lysha at A Camera and A Cookbook.

Also, if you didn't get a chance to read the introduction to my post from yesterday, which explains why I haven't blogged lately, you can read it here.

Let's Play iSpy 2022

{Plant – quarterly}

This is my "quarterly" picture of my "plant." I didn't think it would change all that much but it's gotten a lot bigger since last time. You can see this plant in February here.

{Inside Out}

I learned to hang our favourite clothes "inside out" from my mom a few years ago. This way they don't fade as much from the sun when I'm hanging them outside. It's a pain to turn them all right side in before I fold them, but I'm happy to have the colours last longer.


I don't know if this is the best picture but a nail "split" (or just plain "broke") our tire this week. Boooo. Dave had to change the tire twice, and we had to get the tire fixed twice. What a pain. Thankfully, this was a small annoyance in the grand scheme of things and Dave had the time to deal with it.



This is my birthday dinner which I happened to eat off a "green" plate. Dave made Earl Grey Tea Salmon (using steelhead fish instead), Sam made delicious baked potato, cheddar, and chive balls, and Rachel made a "green" Caesar salad. This dinner was so good!!!

{Your Choice}


Are you guys at all shocked that these lovely flowers, which my parents sent me for my birthday, are what I chose for this prompt?!?!? Flowers are always "my choice."


  1. That dinner is perfection- yum!

  2. The quarterly photos are fun. Your dinner looks great too!

  3. I just had to deal with a flat tire too! No fun!

  4. I had a screw in my tire this weekend; luckily it wasn't completely flat so I could limp it to the nearest gas station and have more air added until my husband came home to repair it. You birthday dinner looks so yummy and I love your flowers!

  5. Oh I hate to see that flat tire! We have this happen way too often because of all the construction around town.


Thank you for being interested in my life as I blog it and for leaving a comment. Comments make me happier than reading a good book and drinking a cold Coke. Almost :)