Wednesday, June 26, 2024

What's Up Wednesday: June 2024

Oh my word. Will this school year ever end?!?!?! (Yes, yes it will. Tomorrow for the kids and next Tuesday for me. Phew.) It's been crazy and I am not my best self right now. And I am more than ready for summer break. Four more work days left -- I can do this right?!?!?!?

I really do love answering the What's Up Wednesday questions every month. I like how they help me reflect on the past month and I love having a monthly record of what we've been up to. I go back and re-read these posts often.The questions come from Shay at Mix and Match Mama and Sheaffer at Sheaffer Told Me Too.

image from here
What we're eating this week... A main theme of this post is "my parents were visiting us" and that is definitely reflected in our food. Mom and Dad cooked some amazing meals (hello BBQ skewers!) and when Rachel said she wanted cinnamon buns for her birthday, my mom whipped up a batch. The cinnamon buns were delicious and why do mine never taste half as good?!?!?!?
We also celebrated a belated Father's Day for my dad and Dave this past Sunday and made a low country boil up for supper. We love low country boil and we ate sooooo much food! So we've had some pretty delicious eating around here lately.

What I'm reminiscing about... As I may have mentioned a time (or six!) around here, Dave and I are taking a trip just the two of us this summer and I am soooo excited!!! So I've been reminiscing about our last trip together when we went to Iceland for five days for our 10th anniversary. This was in July 2018.
While we have some exciting travel plans this summer, sadly, we won't be going to Saskatchewan (which I'm very sad about) so I've also been reminiscing about last summer's vacation in one of my favourite spots in the world.
What I'm loving... My mom made some really beautiful bouquets with flowers from our yard and I have been loving them. I am also getting a flower share this summer through our CSA and I picked up my second bouquet yesterday. The lighting isn't the greatest but these flowers are bringing me much joy!

What we've been up to... June was a blur. We spent the first weekend enjoying baseball, yummy food, and hanging out with friends in Toronto...
Then, Dave, Rachel, and I all got Covid and lost a week of our lives. Seriously, it's all a blur.
Rachel turned thirteen and got a special handmade blanket from Janice, among other things...
...and Dave flew to San Diego for a work conference and my parents came to visit and to help keep things going while Dave was gone.

What I'm dreading... These next few days of work are going to be crazy. I am just holding on until summer break.

What I'm working on... When we haven't been recovering from Covid, we've been working on our yard. We planted a new hosta bed, we did a ton of weeding, we planted more annuals. It's been all yard work around here, with moments of enjoying the fruits of our hard work too.
What I'm excited about... My lilies are blooming!!! I'm so excited about this!!! Sadly, they have also been infested by the scarlet lily beetle so I am also spraying them with soapy water every day in hopes that I can get rid of it. Some of the plants absolutely won't bloom this year so I'm thankful for every one which has.
What I'm watching/reading... We were watching the Edmonton Oilers in the Stanley Cup final but unfortunately, they lost the Cup in game 7. That was sad. It was fun to watch the final game in our public square with lots of other people though.
As for what I've been reading, not a lot. I am looking forward to being on summer break from work so that I can focus on reading a bit more. I'm going to be reading quite a few library books which are just slightly overdue :)
What I'm listening to... Right now I'm listening to the sound of silence and savouring it. The school is really loud right now with excited kids -- they're having fun and singing loud (off key!) karaoke -- but it sure is hard to concentrate :)

What I'm wearing... Later today I'm going to get Dave to take a picture of me wearing my new favourite skort which I picked up at Costco. Hahaha! However, I forgot to get him to take a picture of me last time I wore it. Anyways, if I'm not wearing work clothes, I'm probably wearing my skort.
What I'm doing this weekend... It's a three day weekend before I have one last day of work. My and Dave's anniversary is on Saturday and we have some plans to celebrate it. Otherwise, I'll be enjoying our back yard (weather permitting) and trying to deep clean a few rooms in our house. We have no exciting plans and I'm good with that :)

What I'm looking forward to next month... Summer break! Family vacation! Lazy days! Reading in our back yard! Relaxing! There's a lot to look forward to in July!!!

That's all from me today. Tonight is Grade 8 grad and tomorrow is our end of year staff party so hopefully I'll be able to catch up on your blogs this weekend. Happy Wednesday!


  1. Sounds like July will be much more relaxing and I can only imagine you are ready for a break from school. All your flowers look so pretty!

  2. The flowers are so pretty!! I love hostas in yards, they are so lush!!

  3. One day at a time and you'll make it to summer break!

  4. Oh I am wishing you an amazing summer break- enough with the school year and COVID already right? So glad you enjoyed special time with your parents- those cinnamon rolls do look out of this world!

  5. Happy anniversary! My lilies were blooming this past week too and I had forgotten what pretty colors I had planted. Hope you can get the beetles to leave them alone. I have something eating all my rose leaves and I can't see what it is! It sound like June was really busy but I hope July is nice and relaxing for you.


Thank you for being interested in my life as I blog it and for leaving a comment. Comments make me happier than reading a good book and drinking a cold Coke. Almost :)