Thursday, June 20, 2024

Alive and (Not) Blogging

Hello blog world. Sorry I've disappeared off the face of the planet internet. It's been a continuing cycle of health woes over here (haven't I been singing the same tune since the beginning of May?!?!?), and Rachel, Dave, and I are just getting over a really bad case of Covid. I was off work for a week and Rachel is on two inhalers so it's been good times around here.

Here are a few more reasons I haven't blogged lately, and likely won't for a few more days yet...

1) Rachel turned 13 on Monday! Yes, I am officially the mother of teenagers. Yikes!

She wanted a Starbucks drink and she got a beautiful blanket from Janice.

2) The yard work is out of control. Dave and I put a ton of work into our yard as we started to feel better and, while I've loved most of it, it sure takes a lot of time to go from...

...this to this...
...and this to this...
...and this to this, among other things! I really loved doing it though and can't wait to tackle a few last problem spots.

3) End of the school year. 'Nuff said! Sam has been working on school work for weeks, Rachel is slowly starting to catch up, and I am finishing up this year while simultaneously starting work on next school year (yes, already).

4) The laundry is out of control. I basically ignored it while the yard work took priority and now I'm paying the piper (aka "folding every spare minute I have"). (Although to be fair, my mom folded three baskets yesterday and now things are much better! Thanks Mom!)

5) Dave left for his annual work trip to San Diego yesterday. Since he's not missing our anniversary and the last week of school, I'm less bitter about this trip than I was last year. Hahaha!!!

And most importantly...

6) My mom and dad are here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This might also be contributing to why I'm less bitter that Dave is leaving. Reinforcements are here and I couldn't be happier!!!

So with all that being said, I'll pop in again when I can (and catch up on all your blogs too), but for now, know I'm still around and just trying to keep up with life as best I can.

I miss you and will see you again soon :)


  1. Wishing you health and happiness for the start of your summer- yard is looking awesome and yeah for time with Mom and Dad!

  2. Glad you are all on the mend and yay for having your parents visiting! The yard is looking great.

  3. Sorry you've been sick. Happy birthday to Rachel!

  4. I know you're so happy to have your parents. Nothing like Mama's love to help us feel better, right?

  5. And I can only assume your kids' school is doing Spirit Week this week just to add to the chaos?! Haha

  6. So sorry you got hit hard by COVID!!

  7. I'm so sorry to hear that you all had Covid. I am hopping you all a speedy recovery and feel better.

  8. Glad y'all are on the mend and school is winding down and especially that your parents are visiting! I'm not blogging either but just because I don't feel like it ha.


Thank you for being interested in my life as I blog it and for leaving a comment. Comments make me happier than reading a good book and drinking a cold Coke. Almost :)