Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Scenes From Sunday

This past Sunday was one of those days when I took one picture and then decided to try and be intentional about documenting our day. And it was such a good day! Dave and I started the day stressing about all the things we needed to do. After some re-evaluation, and because it was a cool day, we decided to cancel our swimming time. This opened up our day and alleviated a bunch of stress.

And then we decided to tackle some yard work, which wasn't even our original plan. Ooops. Above is the day lily bed which I've needed to work on since Spring. As it was the last thing I tackled, I ran out of energy (and time) about halfway through but I am determined to finish it this week. Hopefully you can see some edging (and cleaning) progress in the picture on the right.
garage bed before

Another bed that was stressing me out was the one by our garage. I started with this one and I'm sooooo happy with how it looks. Again, I needed to do edging and clear out dead leaves (from day lilies) and weeds.

Dave mowed the lawn (front and back) and went to work on the cedar hedge. We needed to weed it and edge it. Once the edging is done, we can add the mulch we've had sitting in our garage all summer.

Rachel asked if she could help with yard work in exchange for a Coke. We kept her busy for two hours and she didn't complain once. We figured she more than earned her Coke. The picture of her opening (wearing!) the yard waste bag is what inspired this whole post :)
I've had these shoes for ages and have been wearing them as my yard shoes. They've been falling apart all summer but I finally threw them out after this day. Hahaha!!!
The kids decided that it was time for The Great Stuffed Animal Takeover Of 2020. I especially love how you can hardly see Dave's desk!
After five months of not coming grocery shopping with me, Rachel really wanted to go this day so I decided to let her come with. Considering there were entire families shopping together, I felt okay about my decision. Also, we bought mums for the fall so it was helpful to have her pushing the cart. Dave ran an errand and then came to help us check out as one cart was entirely full of mums, plus I was carrying one more!
I loved my summer annuals but they were looking half dead and really awful. I'm sad my "before" picture is not that great. And since I can never get rid of anything green, I pulled all the dead stuff out and created a mini display with all the happy plants!
And the fence looks so much better with fresh mums to brighten it up!!!
Thanks to an Instagram friend, I've been craving Cheetos for a couple of weeks. So I had an afternoon snack of Cheetos and Palm Bay which is a vodka drink. It was kind of a gross combination :)
Sam played catch with a chair. He bounces the ball off the chair and it actually works pretty well!
At this point we really should have been working on supper but I decided to do some work in the front yard instead. I took all the half-dead pansies out of the window boxes and we planted a forsythia which Tim & Janice gave us. You can kind of see it in the picture on the right.

We had BBQ for supper and Dave was thrilled to be able to use the new BBQ for the first time. Yes, this is the BBQ we bought at the end of May and which got put together last week.
I'd heard really good things about The One & Only Ivan so I wanted to watch it as a family. I also had a ton of laundry to fold so I multi-tasked. Sadly, I still have a load left to fold.
And Rachel wore a very appropriate nightgown which Tessa handed down to her!

And that was our Sunday. I was very sore yesterday (Monday) from all the yard work but, in between rain showers, I walked around and admired everything we'd gotten done -- it made me so happy!!!


  1. I love the popcorn with the popcorn nightgown. So cute! My mom told me we should watch the Ivan movie soon.

    I did a lot of yard work lately too. Hope you aren't sore for too long. :)

  2. I'm tired just reading this! I wish I had your energy!

  3. Isn't it nice to just get stuff done? I guess I should pick up some mums too but our geraniums are still going strong so I don't want to get rid of them just yet.

    1. I was just excited about the mums because my annuals were looking so sad. If your geraniums look good then hold off! I would have. And yes, it felt sooooo good to get so much done.

  4. Those shoes are hysterical! I love how lush and full of flowers your yard is and your house has such personality!!

  5. What a cute night gown! I am so ready for it to cool off so I can get some mums for the porch area.

  6. Your yard shoes - LOL... I feel that. I have yard shoes & BARN shoes. They are pretty gross

  7. Was the One and Only Ivan movie super sad? The book is crazy sad and Aaron even cried! Also, those cheetos... aren't they cheese puffs? Cheetos are tight & crinkly while cheesepuffs are thicker and smoother. I know this because I DESPISE cheetos but love cheesepuffs. I know this is a random critique but it totally stuck out to me and I couldn't get it out of my head.


Thank you for being interested in my life as I blog it and for leaving a comment. Comments make me happier than reading a good book and drinking a cold Coke. Almost :)