Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Currently: October 2024

It's the first Wednesday of the month and time for "Currently" with Jennifer at Overflowing With Thankfulness. This is the "Natasha hurt her back because she's old" edition of Currently, as you will see in my responses. I don't even know what I did but I can barely move. I think it was a combination of roller skating and having a nap on the couch. It's been over a week and I still can't move easily. So fun.


I am "loving" that I have pain medication! I don't love that I have to take it but I'm thankful it's giving me some relief.

I am loving" how helpful the kids are being -- Rachel has greatly assisted with laundry and Sam has taken over salad making duties and extra dish doing.

I asked Dave to buy some sunflowers at the grocery store on Sunday and I am "loving" those! My house is feeling like Fall even if the weather isn't cooperating yet.

[looking forward to]

I am "looking forward to" when my back stops hurting -- hahaha! I take my body for granted until it conks out on me and then I regret not being more appreciative when it's working well.

I am "looking forward to" one of our favourite local events -- the Central Art Walk. It's happening this weekend and I'm really hoping I'll feel well enough to participate. Local artists (like within an eight block radius) open up their studios and you can visit them. That's where I got the mushrooms and pumpkin pictured above. The kids look forward to this every year. And so do I!

I am also "looking forward to" my friend's birthday party this weekend. She always throws the best birthday parties and I can't wait to celebrate her!!!


I am "wearing" layers. It's still seesawing between summer and fall here so it's all about layers right now


This is embarrassing to admit but I'm "reading" Danielle Steel. Hahaha!!! We talked about something at book club last week which sent me down the Danielle Steel rabbit hole. She was the first "grown up" author I read so I'm reliving my high school reading memories.


I have been "cooking" nothing. Dave and the kids have been cooking all week because my back is so sore. I sit on a chair and assist as I can but it's very minimal. Dave is even packing the majority of my lunches right now.

Did I mention that "currently" life is all about my back right now?!?!?!? It's very frustrating and I'm also "looking forward to" when I feel a little more normal again. Hopefully that will be soon!


  1. Aw, I spent a whole month like that after our hiking trip in Maine earlier this summer... it is NO fun at all. I hope your back is feeling better soon!! I have 2 Danielle Steel books my mom has given me recently to read that I plan to tackle soon. I can't say I love her books but I do enjoy them and they always bring back memories of high school study halls when my girlfriends and I used to pass round all her paperbacks.

  2. I'm so sorry about your back! But those sunflowers sure are pretty! I'm so glad they're brightening your days! - Bekah

  3. I hope that your back gets better soon! The art walk sounds like a lot of fun & those sunflowers are so pretty!

  4. Oh back pain is no fun. I hope you feel better each day. I am glad you have help and some things to look forward to as well.

  5. I went through a back thing two years ago and had to take steroids to get it to stop acting up. At one point I could barely walk! Hope yours feels better soon.


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