Thursday, September 26, 2024

Monthly Musings: Back To School: Routines, Recipes, And Fall Fashion

It's the last Thursday of the month and time to join Holly at Pink Lady and Patty at Good, Better, Best for their "Monthly Musings" link up.This is seriously one of my favourite link ups of the month -- even when they ask about fashion! Hahahaha!!!

1) What are your best tips for getting into a fall/back to school routine?

I don't know that I have one. I try to enforce earlier bedtimes because, in my opinion, many things can be cured with a good night's sleep. If things are falling apart, I declare that "it's bedtime" because I always think things will look better in the morning!

2) Please share your favourite fall recipes. Crowd/family pleasers welcome!

 I think my favourite fall recipe are soups or stews with carrots and sweet potatoes and butternut squash. All the orange vegetables :) We love "cream of carrot-cheddar soup" and "curried butternut squash and pear soup." Cream of carrot cheddar soup recipe found here and curried butternut squash pear soup recipe found here.

3) Favourite fall fashion staples?

My plaid shirts, my Converse, and my favourite Amazon sweater!

4) Favourite part of back to school this year?

How easy it was for our kids. We had no big transitions, the kids settled into their school routines pretty quickly, and they are generally more independent. I just feel like "back to school" has gone so smoothly compared to other years. (This is me speaking as a parent, by the way, not as a school secretary! That's a whole other ball of wax!)

5) Do you celebrate Homecoming where you are?

No, I really think "homecoming" is an American thing. I don't know anyone who celebrates it here in Canada.

6) Apple pie or apple cider?

I love apple cider, especially mixed up in my friend's "Hallowe'en Apple Cider" recipe with Jim Beam Red Stag and some other good things! Soooo good!!!

7) Do the leaves change colours where you live? If so, when?

Do they ever! I've seen a few smatterings of fall colour already but they will likely hit their peak in the next few weeks. Until then, enjoy these pictures from previous years.


8) Favourite fall sweet treat? Do you have any recipes to share?

I don't really have a favourite sweet treat for fall. Maybe the Coffee Crisp chocolate bars I steal from the kids on Hallowe'en. And to clarify, I steal from my own kids, not just random kids trick-or-treating on the street! Hahahahaha!!!

9) Hayride or bonfire?

I like the idea of a hayride but hay is so itchy so a bonfire would win out.

10) Movies that give you all the back to school feels?

I don't really watch movies, except for the Hallmark ones, so I don't have a great answer for this.

Our weather has been unseasonably hot these past couple of weeks but writing all these answers puts me in the mood for actual fall -- bring on apple cider, the leaves changing (and me exclaiming about "the fall colours" to my kids' complete annoyance), sweaters, my Converse, and cozy nights of reading under a blanket.


  1. Right there with you with apple cider and the fun cocktails made with it! The foliage where you are is beautiful :)

  2. I thought for sure you were going to say Holly's Apple Sauce Jumble cookies! We have noticed some trees already changing color for fall too.

  3. I always have to pause at the fashion questions too! I think fall colours are the prettiest things, I can't wait for the weather to cool down a bit so we can see some more colours.

  4. Spiked apple cider is the best. I wish the trees here would change like that!


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